Rose Windelle



1 year, 5 days ago


gremlin mode activated

dnd character

class: barbarian
race: half-elf (but they'll tell you they're human)
pronouns: they/them
alignment: chaotic neutral
height: 5'3"

rose is a bit of a free spirit, going whatever way might please them. they care about exactly three people: their two dads and themself. but maybe someone else can work their way into their heart. it shouldn't be impossible.

although they do whatever they want, and they're a bit of a brat, they do try to do good if they can. rose isn't very good at being nice to people all the time, but they're good at talking (or maybe they just like talking too much), and they're more than happy to sweet talk their way into (or out of) something. ultimately, they want people to like them.

design notes

  • their right ear is pointed, their left ear is clipped. it's usually hidden under their hair, though.
  • they don't ever wear skirts
  • they tend to wear ouji fashion