


1 year, 1 month ago


Basic Info
Afterlife - Waynehouse
Signature Move
idk cooking
Alive? - Not taken
  • Tea
  • Cooking
  • Smol friend groups
  • Cleaning things
  • Too loud places
  • Pushy people
  • Too salty foods
  • Irresponsible people
  • Darnell is known to be overprotective when needed.
  • Originally, this character was going to be a Decres (other words, a female).
  • His voice claim is Thoma from Genshin Impact.
  • Darnell keeps himself busy from existential dread rather than for fun or responsibility.
  • His color palette was chosen from a MAP "Womanizer".
Calm . Caring . Emotional . Affectionate

Darnell is a calm wayne who loves to just help out anyone in need-- whether it'd be another wayne, a tyro or a feral hydrostat; he'll be down to aid them. He's often times found in his own little house he made, away from the waynehouse, alone making food and or baking by himself. Often times, he'll read a book to distract himself from the existential dread he often gets. Being all alone does make Darnell often question life-- why must a wayne live in an endless cycle? If he fails to calm himself down, he will curl up into a ball, hugging his own cape for comfort until he calms down-- yes, this also means he'd roll up like a burrito using his own cape. Picture that as you will. Or until his little sister finds him and snuggles up to him for comfort. He's very overprotective over his little sister and had near death experiences with enemies trying to protect his little sister. The amount of times Darnell could've died made people question if he's even alive at this point.


Darnell was born a little bit too close to the afterlife's waters and his egg was slightly damaged, making it that the water from the afterlife slowly but surely fill into his egg. Fortunately, Darnell hatched before the water could engulf his tiny larva body, and he grew up without much problems. Though other waynes were worried, it was fairly rare at the time to see a pink wayne like Darnell. At times, he was feared-- assumed to be a sauoplit. As a waynelarva, Darnell spent his days vibing on the sand in the afterlife and even eating the sand. Once he was old enough, he cocooned himself and was carried by a guard that works in the afterlife into the pools that eventually sunk Darnell's cocoon into the waynehouse. His cocoon stayed among the crowd of other cocooned waynelarvas, until he pupated into a juvenile wayne. He was later picked up by a somewhat-elderly wayne couple, he was raised and was treated well. As a juvenile / kid, Darnell often finds himself hanging out with himself rather than with other waynes. He found interests in doing nothing but observe the other living beings. He'd watch bugs crawl around by new muldul, and he often times hangs out with Somsnosa (one of the main cast of Hylics 1 and 2) to watch bugs closer. During childhood, he was told that he was going to have a little sister, and he was excited. Though, his father was soaked in pool wine juice and became hostile towards everything and everyone. Darnell's father eventually murdered his own wife a few weeks after she had just given birth to Darnell's little sister; she was fragile and was only an egg. Darnell, traumatized by this, quickly took his little sister into his arms and bolted out the house. He'd spent his young teenage life alone, taking care of his younger sister. He grew up into an adult wayne pretty fast, and he was taller than average waynes. As an adult, Darnell still hangs out with Somsnosa-- he even began to hang out with Dedusmuln and Pongorma (other main cast of Hylics 1 and 2) more than a few times. His life was never the same after he met Wayde, however. "It's like taking care of a man child." Darnell would mumble to himself whenever he sees Wayde.

Wayde | Friend-Enemy

Making sure Wayde was safe is probably the most tiring task Darnell could've ever asked for. If it wasn't for the fact that he's very caring for his friends, Darnell would've abandoned Wayde. Though, despite this, they both know they care for each other like a family. Distant family.

Korssel | Best Friend

For some reason. Just.. somehow.. Darnell finds himself having to take care of what he'd describe Korssel as a "rabid child". Though of course, Darnell is able to tolerate Korssel more than Wayde, as at least Korssel provided more information on their surroundings more than Wayde does.

Chyrhiin | Best Friend

Chyrhiin's probably the least annoying to hang out with. She's understanding of Darnell and is always there for him whenever he needed her. She'd gladly help him in the kitchen and clean the house after either Wayde or Korssel visited and made a mess from either whatever they brought in or just their boots in general. Chyrhiin is able to connect with Darnell more than the other two; her calmness fits just right for Darnell. They both could stay quiet for hours watching the stars and still smile when they look at each other.