Big Brother



1 year, 1 month ago



Name: Clendrick Johnson

From: Florida, United States

Car: Henessey Velociraptor

Clendrick "CJ" Johnson, more commonly known as his stage name "Big Brother" is an ominous masked long-tail Doberman that specializes in Offroad Racing. He is the 3rd member to compete with racers in the Horizon UK Mythical Championship and has been known to be featured in numerous Offroad and Rally Horizon Showcases.

Big Brother is considered as the oldest member in the group and has a history in participating in legal and illegal street races, more commonly the ones that take place offroad. He was once seen participating in street races in Lakeshore City. After getting his driver's license taken a way from him for a few months, he would start finding ways to feed his desire to race but at the same time not participate in any street racing. He would start playing rally racing videogames until he was clear enough to apply for a license again. He was recruited to the Mythical 6 by the Mightyena Twins a few years later. Although he had a criminal record of participating in illegal races, he was still given a redeeming chance to use his skills and passion at the right place.

In this present time, Johnson has given his past life up and continues to race in sanction Horizon Races. He is proof that our once evil past doesn't define who we are at the present once we learn how to change our ways.

Big Brother wore a partial mask and contact lens when he was first broadcasted in the Horizon Festival, to keep most of his identity hidden, this was when he still felt like a criminal to the eyes of many people, but thanks to the safe environment of the Horizon Festival, he learned to love himself again and took off the mask. Nowadays, he would wear the mask to represent him as a different character. But outside of the Mythical 6 events, he is no longer afraid to show who he really is to others.

Big Brother drives the Henessey Velociraptor, which was once his Ford F-150 Raptor. Outside the Mythical 6, he'd drive his Toyota Hilux offroad for the thrills.