

1 year, 1 month ago


Guardian #778 Shark Plush

Viincent "VII" Caesar

20 Y/o


VII is a very polite and warm hearted guardian. He is very confident in himself and can sometime come across as smug. He is very in tune with his friend's emotions and can read people very well, he often will do everything in his power to help the people he cares about, even to his own detriment. 

He is largely obsessed with aquatic life, especially sharks and other carnivorous fish, and knows many ocean facts due to his own personal research. As much as he would like to ramble on and on about the sea and its inhabitants, he doesn't often bring them up in conversation unless someone else mentions the ocean first, as he often veers away from steering conversations into directions regarding him or his interests. 

The fastest way to his heart is to spout shark trivia to him, tell him bad ocean puns, or give him something to add to his growing collection of fish memorabilia. 

More info tba! 💖

Birthday May 8th. 

Design Notes: Can be drawn in guardian or bagbean form. Please draw him with clothing (Can be his shirt, pants, both or a different outift of any kind). He only has a piercing on his left ear.