Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


please read the warnings if you get easily triggered/upset by sensitive content; there's a lot but all warnings are there for a reason. my profile and characters' content contain a lot of highly sensitive, disturbing, uncomfortable, and triggering topics. characters get individual warnings and i spoiler any sensitive content writing in character bios. if any of the following sensitive content really hurts you, or is triggering to you, proceed with caution, click off, or block the character(s) or me.

my general content is made for ages 15+, though there are often more mature themes present. some other content in my profile is strictly for an 18+ audience, and any 18+ content (art, writing, etc) is separated from everything else under mature-locked tabs.

maturity-lock is off due to the forums, while also considering that the majority of my content is suit for users under 18.

i do not censor terms referring to triggering subjects. for example, i will not censor terms such as: self-harm, suicide, sexual assault, etc.

  • some bright colors, and/or eyestraining/possible seizure-inducing effects in artwork. codes won't fall under this as i use bootstrap codes
  • mental illness, general trauma, self-harm, suicide/attempted suicide
  • abuse, grooming, violence, physical assault, kidnapping, torture, servitude/slavery, trafficking, death, homicide, gun use
  • human experimentation, treating individuals animalistically
  • animal abuse, animal mistreatment
  • SA/CSA (sexual assault or abuse/child sexual assault or abuse)/rape; no graphic descriptors of these though
  • drug addiction, general drug use (smoking, alcohol, marijuana, harder drugs)
  • marginalization/discrimination/bigotry; homophobia, transphobia, ableism, antisemitism, racism, etc
  • religious trauma, religious-related mistreatment, bad experiences with religion
  • blood, gore (ranging from mild to extreme)
  • sex work, although anything notably explicit of this is mature-locked
  • suggestive/sexual themes or mentions; any graphic details/explicit content/sex profiles should all be marked appropriately in separate mature-locked tabs hidden from minors.
  • profanity/cussing/swearing. both me and my characters swear a whole lot. oh and i mean a whole lot; sometimes i get near the point of a vivziepop character swearing habits. no slurs though, not even ones i can reclaim
  • crude and inappropriate jokes, especially in character links
  • moving images/gifs, although most of them shouldn't be eye-straining
  • bullying, as a theme on its own
  • healed scars, regardless of type or origin. this include self-harm scars
  • general religious themes or mentions by themselves; anything that doesn't involve mistreatment or bad experiences
  • the term "queer" as a reclamation term to refer to my own and some of my character's identities
  • scandalous/revealing outfits that aren't inherently sexual
  • other more specific triggers that aren't as common or gross (but if i missed any major ones feel free to shoot me a message so i can take care of it)

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

his mother got kidnapped, trafficked, SA'd and had other shitty things done to her that have had an impact on his life

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