


11 months, 18 days ago


Character Name

ML X-659

Called Sirius

Pronouns He/Him

Age 26

Species Xero

Role none yet

Lives in Torini

HTML Pinky


Sirius is a character with a smug, confident demeanor, often wearing a sly smile. Despite their self-assuredness, they have a kind heart and enjoy helping others. They relish challenges, can be competitive, but always value fairness. Their humor and playfulness make them both intriguing and lovable.


Height ☁ 4'6″

Eyes ☁ Verdigris

Fur Colour 1 ☁ Jasper

Fur Colour 2 ☁ Atomic Tangerine

Fur Colour 3 ☁ Thunderbird

Fur Colour 4 ☁ Heath

Fur Colour 5 ☁ Yellowy Green

Fur Colour 6 ☁ White

Skin Tone 1 ☁ Bright Light Blue

Skin Tone 2 ☁ Pale Sky Blue

Demeanor ☁ Smug


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Sirius exudes confidence and charisma, often with a hint of smugness. They possess a sharp wit and intelligence, adept at handling various situations. Despite their demeanor, Sirius has a kind heart, always ready to help and offer support. They enjoy challenges, value fairness, and have a knack for lightening tense moments with their humor. This unique blend of confidence and kindness makes Sirius a captivating and memorable individual.


Ocean Adventures

Sirius thrives in the water, finding solace and exhilaration in diving and surfing. It's where he feels most alive, and he's always eager for the next aquatic escapade.

Cooking for Friends

Sirius takes genuine pleasure in the art of cooking, especially when it's to share with his friends. He sees it as a way to express his affection and bring people together over a delicious meal.

Adventurous Spirit

Sirius has a natural affinity for adventure and seeks out new experiences and challenges. Whether it's exploring uncharted territories or trying new cuisines, he embraces the thrill of the unknown.

Respectful Boundaries

Sirius knows the importance of respecting boundaries, especially in matters of romance. While he may enjoy the attention, he's mindful of when to draw the line and treats others with kindness and consideration.



Given his kind-hearted nature, Sirius has a strong aversion to deception and insincerity. He values honesty and authenticity in his relationships.

Disrespect for Nature

As someone who cherishes the water and outdoor activities, Sirius dislikes seeing nature mistreated or disrespected. He believes in responsible and sustainable practices when enjoying the environment.


Sirius appreciates good manners and finds rudeness or impoliteness off-putting. He believes in treating others with respect and expects the same in return.

Overly Competitive Behavior

While Sirius enjoys a healthy sense of competition, he dislikes when it becomes overly aggressive or detrimental to relationships. He values camaraderie and sportsmanship above all.



Eloquent Communicator

Sirius has a way with words and is skilled at expressing himself eloquently. Whether in casual conversation or more formal settings, he has a knack for articulating his thoughts with clarity and charm.

Aesthetic Appreciation

Sirius has a keen eye for beauty and aesthetics. He appreciates art, design, and the finer details in his surroundings, often seeking out visually appealing experiences and environments.

Resourceful Problem Solver

Sirius is quick to think on his feet and can find creative solutions to unexpected challenges. His adventurous spirit and ability to adapt make him an excellent problem solver, especially in dynamic situations.


When it comes to his friends and loved ones, Sirius is fiercely loyal. He's the type to stand by their side through thick and thin, offering unwavering support and camaraderie. His friends know they can always count on him.

