


6 years, 1 month ago



Name: Callaina
Nickname: Laina
Age: 24 years
Gender: Female
Origin: Unknown
Race: Sea Demon
Role: Mafia Underboss/Consigliere
Alignment: Neautral Evil
Status: Alive
Theme: Beast
Likes: Pranks, Water, Fighting
Dislikes: Small Animals, Hugs, Pollen

A sea demon with tough skin and a penchant for crimes. The underboss of a mafia that she started with another.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.



Flurry Punch

A flurry of punches, aimed for every single vital on the enemies body. Mostly Callaina uses it to push the enemy back, or uses it to distract them from another attack by messing up their senses. Usually she just punches randomly as she can't to take the effort to aim for something vital other than someone's face and stomache.

Metalic Bang

One swing from Callaina's bat is enough to get your head crushed, even when Callaina isn't trying. Usually she doesn't bring her bat with her though, as it is a hassle to carry. She isn't the fastest though, so you might be able to dodge the attack if it really comes down to it.

Skill Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

Skill Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.


“Storm’s coming, boys. Doesn’t bode well, not with the moonrise tonight.”

Born from the sea, Callaina is a sea demon crafted from sea foam and coral. When she emerged, the only thing on her mind was to kill. And kill she did, leaving eveyone on the beach slaughtered and broken, blood dying the sand red. As the water lapped at the bodies, the blood in the sand turned pink, and Callaina sat in the wreckage of it all. When her bloodlust faded, and her head clear, she looked around and uttered her first words. "Ah, oopsies, my hands slipped..."

She picked herself up from the wreckage, dusted off her bosy from the sand, stole the clothes off the body of one of the many bodies she had slaughtered, and went into town. There, she made herself scarce, eating birds and stray cats and dogs that wandered to close. She observed the humans around her in the shadows, and noticed many of them had appearcances similar to hers while others were ordinary, plain. She noted the violence, the dugs, the war, and the hate, and still she sat silently in the shadows, picking a time to announce herself to the world.

She didn't announce herself, in the end. Not in the way she wanted anyways.

One day, she met a boy, in the alleyway. A small thing really, digging in the trash for scraps. Callaina swirled the stolen lollipop in her mouth. The lollipop clacked around her teeth as she fiddled with the wraper in her pocket. It crinkled delicately in her hands. She popped the lollipop out of her mouth. "Hey, kid." She called out, popping her hip out to stare at the boy's small frame. "What ch'a doing there?" She talked slowly, stretching out her words like she had all the time in the world. And she did. The kid flinched, his ears fins twtiched. He turned around fearfully, clutching half a stale baguette, arms tightening around when his eyes locked with Callaina's own. The sea demon hmmed thoughtfully, putting her lollipop back into her mouth, eyes narrowing as she stared down her nose at the kid before her. She mused quietly when the kid seemed to shrink in on himself as she approached, using his unruly greasy black curls to hide himself. As if that would help. But nothingless, Callaina waved her fingers in front of her, showing him that she meant no harm.

The kid didn't relax though, and Callaina smiled. Good, the kid knew not to trust others. A proper street urchin then. No, a proper street shark.Callaina threw her hands behind her head, swirling the lollipop in her mouth, glacning at the kid's sharp teeth. They were bared at her, and the kid had something feral in her eyes. Now that Callaina looked more closely, the kid's eyes were interesting, to say the least. Unlike her own, which were a plain brown, the kid had eyes that seemed like a multifaceted gem. They were colorful and bright. Even his fins, which where a little scruffed up at the moment would shine and shimmer if washed properly. Callaina took the lollipop out of her mouth again, giving the kid one of her most polite smiles. "Not gonna' take ya' bread kid." She slurred, and chose to sit down instead, crossing her legs over the other. "Just wonderin' what a kid like ya' is doing out on tha' streets. Don'cha have an' family?" She drawled, twirling the lollipop in her fingers, admiring the color of it in the dim lighting. It was blood red of course.

The kid didn't seem to believe her, but his stance relaxed just a little bit, the tension in his shoulder's easing. He urned all the way around to face her now, though still clutching his bread tightly, eyes fixed on her, watching her every move. A proper predator, then. Callaina slide her eyes back to the boy's locking her own with his. "Haven't answered ma question, boy." Her tongue flickered at him menacingly, and Callaina smirked when the kid flinched ever so slightly. He wouldn't actually hurt him. She hadn't hurt anyone in a while. The pigeons and strays didn't count, of course. The boy gulped, choosingly to wisely fix his eyes to the ground. "My parents had some trouble paying debts to the mafia." The boy clutched at his bread so tightly now that Callaina was half expecting the stale thing to snap in half. "And well, if you don't pay the mafia, bad things happen." He whispered the last half, and Callaina hummed in agreement. "Sure does." She popped the loillipop back in her mouth, swirling it once more. So the kids parents were dead. Mafia again, it seemed. Wiht all the time she had spent in the world, the mafia seemed to control this city. She had watched many exchanges go about, lots of threating and beating too. It was amusing, to a certain extent. Unbrindled cruelty didn't settle with her as much as it used to. Maybe she was growing soft. She looked ot the boy again, looking into his eyes to see the hatred and anger there.

Her lollipop stilled. The kid had nothing in his eyes but sadness. Oh, and guilt, if she looked deeper. No fear, no anger? No malice? Nothing for the people, mutants and hybrids that had most likely slaughtered his family? Who was this kid? Callaina felt a shiver run down her spin. Tingly. She liked it. "You don't want revenge, do ya'?" Callaina asked, and she watched as tears began to pour down the boy's face. He shook his head. "Then what do you want?" She whispered, and the boy choked back a small sob. "I want..." He gripped the bread in his hand tightly. This time it broke. The crumbs scatered all around him, settling into the folds of his clothes. "I-I want to get stronger! I want to protect the ones I love!" Callaina repressed her laughter. This kid was like the main character of some show. She pushed herself off the ground. "Say, kid." The boy looked up, loosening the hold on his breath to wipe the tears and snot off his face. He stilled when he noticed that Callaina had appeared before him, holding her hand out to him, a soft smile on her face. "Take my hand, and we'll go create something great."

And to her surprise, without hesitation, the boy slipped his hand into her own.

They created their own mafia. Callaina trained the Shaiyu, taught him the fundamentals, and then everything else. She molded him into a perfect warrior. But she could never mold his personality into something cold and cruel. Shaiyu was more of a dog than a shark, if antyhing. His personalith was sweet and sticky, and some of it ended up on Callaina. She found herself feeling emotions that she never even knew existed. The kid was changing her, for better or for worse, she wasn't sure. But she did find that something flipped the kids switch. Blood. And how exciting that was, to find something that made the boy want to kill. But when Shaiyu came down from his 'killing highs' - as Callaian liked to call them, the boy was always so sad and guilt riden. "I don't want to hurt others." He would always say, while digging his fingers into his skin, staning in a pool of guts and gore. And the look on his face broke Callaina'a heart a little bit everytime. So she promised Shaiyu that whenever she was around, he'd make sure to take him out before he could deal any real damage. She was getting soft, for sure. She was starting to think of the boy as a little brother by now.

And so that's how the first few years floated by in a blur. Training, stealing, eating, sleeping. Simple. And then they started to recruit. Shaiyu was good at, getting people to trust him and offering them sanctuary. Callaina was far from good. She liked to intimidate, and to threaten, maybe to break a few bones. All of the above methods was frowned upon by Shaiyu, and begrudingly, Callaina gave up her methods. "Fine, little bro, be a stick in tha' mud about it. You're tha' boss." And Shaiyu was. All Callaina wasnted to do was to kick asses, nothing more. She didn't have a penchant for leadership anyways. That didn't stop Shaiyu from naming her his right hand women. And it turned out that Shaiyu hated being a leader as much as she did. He was lazy, and didn't like ordering people around, and more than ridden with guilt when others got hurt. But that was no surprise. As the mafia she had created started to grow, gain power and recongnition, Callaina found another emotion that she didn't know existed.





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[ relationship ]

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