Sid Thompson



1 year, 1 month ago


⛧ I don't need your "blah, blah"⛧

⛧ sid Thompson

birthName Sidney Oliver Harrison
Age 24 years old (14/04)
AliasSid, Ollie, Rat-kid
GenderMale (he/him)
Sexuality Bisexual
height1,70 cm
OccupationMusician & Photographer
NationalityBritish American

⛧  playlist  ⛧


voice headcanons:
Institutionalized - Suicidal Tendencies
I Saw Your Mommy... - Suicidal Tendencies

full playlist! (not ready)
Profile ⛧

About him;

This is Sidney-boy! Founder of his own band, Leisure, in which he is the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter! Sid is also a very charismatic and energetic frontman. He always makes sure that his public has a really good time during his concerts.

He fucking hates it when people and all of the public media link him with his mother, a very famous ex-model and clothe designer. He doesn't want anyone to think that he had succeeded with his band thanks to being the son of a famous person, because it wasn't like that the least bit. He had put a lot of effort to be where he is now.


Sid had been a very troublesome boy his whole life due to certain factors during his childhood and adolescence. Factors that led him to have problems with his behavior, self-control, and anger issues. Sid is also very stubborn, impulsive, rude, and vulgar, but deep down he is a very sensitive and shy person. However, he always tries to show himself as a strong and good leader, so he never lets that little part of him come out.

A thing that stands out a lot about his personality it's his extreme sincerity and honesty. He likes to say what he thinks and give his opinion above all else, without fear of the repercussions these could have, so there are times when he can sound kinda "insensitive" depending on the situation.

Sid is somewhat intelligent, but never really shows it. He is not intelligent academically speaking, but he knows a lot about life in general. Even so, he is extremely childish and immature most of the time, as well as lacking common sense and doing things that can be harmful to him. He also tends to be really energetic and loves to play pranks or tease people, so it's not weird to see him getting in trouble.

He hates being told what to do, so he almost never does his job and procrastinates a lot.

Sid hates talking about his feelings and problems. He always saves everything for himself. 


Sid is skinny and not very tall, compared to his bandmates. His complexion is porcelain-colored, with some darker birthmarks on his shoulders. His hair is short, black, and always messy. As for his face, he has greenish-grey colored eyes and a scar on his chin. He also has some piercings as well as for his ears. On the rest of his body, you can see some bruises and scars due to some fights he had.

Sid knows a lot about fashion, but his choices for clothes it's always the first thing he grabs from his closet. He doesn't care about what clothes he is wearing, but he always makes sure to use platform boots, as long as he looks a little taller.

He ALWAYS wears a necklace with a silver padlock, that was given by his mom.


solitary                                   social

observant                               dense

logical                             emotional

organized                              messy

assertive                           turbulent

⛧ likes n' dislikes ⛧
⛧ LIKES: Apple juice, Food, Playing the guitar, Singing, Writing songs, Being with his friends, Breaking things, Fixing things, Breaking them again (lol), Sleeping, Drawing (sometimes), Taking photos, Alcohol, Screaming (lol), Rats, Making jokes, Getting into fights, Breaking rules, Doing drugs (mostly heroin), Dancing, Playing videogames, Animals, Going to parties, Smoking, Recording cassettes with random things, Making graffitis, Bizzare things, Watching cartoons, Action movies, Reading comics or magazines, Punk, Post-Punk, Crust Punk, Alternative Music, Classic Rock, Pop (in secret, lol), Nu-Metal, etc.

⛧ DISLIKESHis mother, Being alone, Hippies and Preppies, Reading books, Homophobes, Racists, Sexists, Politics, Silence, Liars, People who make fun of his accent (lol), Waking up early, Having voice cracks (lol), Religious people, Sea and beaches, Being wrong, Arguing, Doing drugs, Animal abuse, Himself, Being hungry (lol), Be awaken, When someone messes with the people he cares of, Talking about himself, His whole family (except for his dad), Annoying people, Stalkers, Singing out of tune, Crying, Deep talks, Cops, etc.

⛧ History

TW: Eating disorders, Drug and alcohol abuse



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis sapien id leo faucibus dapibus. Nullam ac dapibus dui. Pellentesque tincidunt vestibulum aliquam. Nunc magna tortor, sollicitudin at ultricies sed, facilisis eget nulla. Sed gravida leo vel ex vulputate vulputate. Curabitur fermentum efficitur congue. Donec ut felis sed mi luctus feugiat. Vestibulum mollis lacus congue laoreet posuere. Ut ante velit, tincidunt eu orci at, finibus condimentum lectus. Nulla nec ante cursus, laoreet nibh ut, mattis metus. Sed sagittis odio turpis, vitae aliquam velit cursus id.

Early adulthood;

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis sapien id leo faucibus dapibus. Nullam ac dapibus dui. Pellentesque tincidunt vestibulum aliquam. Nunc magna tortor, sollicitudin at ultricies sed, facilisis eget nulla. Sed gravida leo vel ex vulputate vulputate. Curabitur fermentum efficitur congue. Donec ut felis sed mi luctus feugiat. Vestibulum mollis lacus congue laoreet posuere. Ut ante velit, tincidunt eu orci at, finibus condimentum lectus. Nulla nec ante cursus, laoreet nibh ut, mattis metus. Sed sagittis odio turpis, vitae aliquam velit cursus id.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis sapien id leo faucibus dapibus. Nullam ac dapibus dui. Pellentesque tincidunt vestibulum aliquam. Nunc magna tortor, sollicitudin at ultricies sed, facilisis eget nulla. Sed gravida leo vel ex vulputate vulputate. Curabitur fermentum efficitur congue. Donec ut felis sed mi luctus feugiat. Vestibulum mollis lacus congue laoreet posuere. Ut ante velit, tincidunt eu orci at, finibus condimentum lectus. Nulla nec ante cursus, laoreet nibh ut, mattis metus. Sed sagittis odio turpis, vitae aliquam velit cursus id.


  • He is from Essex, England!
  • He was diagnosed with BPD and ADHD.
  • He has anger issues. 
  • He is high 24/7.
  • He has a lot of voice cracks, especially when he screams, lol.
  • He uses contact lenses because he can't see shit. Sid also refuses to wear glasses because he thinks will look like a nerd (he does) and because ooo wee ooo I look just like Buddy Holly.
  • He is a heavy sleeper. Shake him, yell, throw water, detonate a nuclear bomb next to him, etc, etc, etc, Sid won't wake up, lol.
  • Sometimes he starts to snore softly when he is sleeping, lol.
  • It's really easy to make him blush.
  • He has Talassophobia. 
  • He drinks a whole bottle of Jack Daniel's per day. 
  • He is vegan because he is allergic to meat and some other animal products, lol.
  • When he starts crying, it's really hard to make it stop, even for himself.
  • He smokes a lot (lung cancer speedrun)
  • His favorite games are Counter-Strike 1.6 and Doom, lol.
  • He plays soccer during his free time, just for fun and to do something when he is bored, lol. He's very good at it!
  • Yeah, sometimes he plays in a soccer team too.
  • He loves to take photos with his good ol' camera. 
  • When he was younger, he used to own a dog called Spud. The dog is now living with his mother, and for obvious reasons, he can't go to see him. Sid misses that dog a lot. It was his best friend.
  • The only way where Sid expresses his feelings is through the songs he makes.
  • He has a secret piercing in... Uhm... Well...
  • No, he doesn't remember when or how it ended up there, lol.
  • He always says that his type of girl is basically the most normal, artificial, and flavorless blonde you will see in your entire life, lol.
  • And for his type of man... It has to be shorter than him. That's all.
  • He almost never does something with the money he wins. He prefers to donate it instead of spending it on drugs or alcohol. 
  • He zones out a lot. 
  • Sometimes it can be a little hard to understand what is he saying, due to his strong British accent (lol), and because he tends to drawl a lot while he speaks, thanks to all the drugs he consumes.
  • He is really noisy.
  • He really fucking hates being called "Sidney" or "Oliver", just call him Sid, and that's it. 
  • He appropriated Patrick's cat, lol. 
  • When he is drunk he can get a little... Too affectionate sometimes... 
  • He began to show a lot of signs of kleptomania. He excuses saying that he steals because he gets extremely bored most of the time and he kinda wants to feel some adrenaline again, like when he was a teenager. 
  • Maybe this is going to make him get a little angry at first, but... Pet his hair and he will be all yours, lol. 
  • He says a bad word in every sentence that comes out of his mouth.
  • He loves Avril Lavigne and Brittney Spears in secret...
  • He loves to wear sunglasses. 

- Some things here -
Alignment Chaotic Good
Sin Wrath
Virtue Honesty

Designer Me, bitch
Obtained From my twisted brain
Status Huh
ValueIdk, wat u offer /s


To be honest, Sid hates her, but he also can't stop feeling she never did anything wrong and that everything was his fault. Sid can't understand why, but sometimes he misses her, even if he doesn't want to see her anymore. He is also scared of meeting Diane again someday because he knows that she won't be compressive to him and will remark on all of the mistakes he had done in his life. 


Sid appreciates him a lot, even if they didn't have a lot of time together. Jason taught him a lot of things and has been always supportive of Sid's dream to become a musician. Actually, Sid's guitar is a gift from Jason for his 18th birthday.

Sid misses him a lot, however, they're still in contact. Sometimes they talk over the phone. 

best friend?

Sid is aware of the kind of person Zachary is, but he doesn't care a lot, because he also knows that he has him at his mercy, so Sid may take a little advantage of that sometimes. Still, it could be said they're good friends, even if they fight for stupid things all the time. They also complement very well each other's craziness, so Sid loves to have fun with Zac.

bro from another mother 

 Sid loves a lot this blond because they basically share the same neuron and he is also like the little brother he never had, lol. Sid really loves to spend time with Ash because he always manages to take out a laugh from him. They also love to play pranks between themselves and tease each other. Sid really appreciates him and also hates when someone messes with him for whatever reason, so he can become a "little" over-protective of him sometimes. 

Sid also thinks that Ash is extremely talented when it comes to music. He admires him a lot for his skills


Well... It's kinda complicated. They never really get along very well, but Sid is trying to become closer to him, because, I mean, they're bandmates after all, so they must have some kind of good relationship if they want to keep working together. 

Sid also admires Patrick for his skills on the guitar or the bass. He wishes he could play like him, lol. 


this is a filler.