Akio Yoshinaga



1 year, 1 month ago



He is a logical, straight-laced, and highly focused individual that can be trusted to keep his promises. When he sets his mind to something, he’ll see it through, and he prides himself in being someone that people can depend on. He’s not the type to mince his words, which is as refreshing as it is sometimes jarring. It’s easy to think of him as unkind because of such, but in reality, he simply values honesty. In a world often twisted by deceit, he thinks it best to tell the truth- pleasant or otherwise.

Akio is also excellent under pressure, confidence born from shouldering expectations with ease for many years. He knows how to handle himself well, which can be grounding for others. Though his serious nature might make people believe otherwise, he’s open-minded and amenable to conversation. Akio recognizes that there’s much in the world he doesn’t know or understand yet, and wants to do his best to be conscientious of those things. He is an attentive and observant man- and a lot kinder than he lets on.

Though despite his best efforts to be a better person, he’s habitually an irritable sort. Anything that he deems as frivolous and unworthy of his time will quickly annoy him and turn his attitude rather cold. Akio is also sometimes meticulous to a fault- and can be fussy about perceived problems or when things are done “the wrong way”. He’s usually adamant that his methods are best, and it’s hard to convince him otherwise without a sound argument. Since he has the tendency to view everything with a critical eye, this often means he leaps to conclusions in his head. The suspicion of others that his parents instilled in him is something he has yet to fully unlearn, which is frustrating both for him and for others. And for all his brightness, his own emotions are something he has a hard time parsing. After spending so many years denying himself of his personal desires, he has a hard time feeling anything that goes outside his usual emotional routine. As a result, it’s easy to see him as boring, stuck up, overly serious, and distant.

For all his flaws though, at the end of the day Akio is someone who is trying, despite everything. Though not the friendliest man, he does genuinely care for the well being of those around him. He keenly desires to make up for the wrongs he’s done, and will always own up to his mistakes, even if it takes him some time to do so. His worth ethic stems from wanting to be better, both for himself, others, and the world around him. After failing to do so once, he makes it his new duty to create spaces where people can feel free of unfair judgment. The world might not ever be perfect, but he can at least try to make it better.