Biscoff's Comments

:0000 I love them so much!!! I can offer any characters from my th expect the main, but i can offer anything in sales, even the ones only for money, anyone out around as long as it's not in the main folder, I'll even trade you 5 or more characters for it, I love them so so much ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

I'll even would give 20 characters if that's what it takes, even more, I would sell my soul for this buddy ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›

I'll even add art to it along the 20+ characters qvq

Sorry but nobody interested me

Oh, ok qvq thanks for looking tho

You like anyone here? owo

Off limits is teplody and i might be tent on others uwu โ™กโ˜†

The only ones I could really see myself trading Biscoff off for are these
Sorbet, Glitter, and Callisto (preference for Sorbet or Glitter)

I could do it for Callisto! I'm honestly still in love with Sorbet and Glitter qwp

I could do that. Whats your site username?

If you mean th is RSB_uwu

Should i transfer Callisto to NovaTheRator user? owo

no I mean the closed species site. If you're new to the species you have to join the website. Its linked to their masterlist. This character is marked as a CS so it should be known and expected to need something that being a DA or site user under the website for said species.ย 

7 Replies

Would this terra interest you for swaps at all?

They don't quite fit my tastes sorry

I didnt see anybody sorry
