


6 years, 28 days ago

Basic Info




I'm incapable of how you want me.

Name:Elvira Affiliation: Bayou (former)Rank: EmissaryGender: Female Sexuality:TBD AJCW OC Page: Elvira (outdated)Past Ranks: Kit, Stoneteller To-be, Rogue (current)Past mentors: Chrysanthemum,JasmineStatus: Inactive/not in useUFT/S?: Up for tentative offers
Fur color and pattern: see reference/gallery
Fur length: sleek, thin, soft but short coat
Body shape: lithe, lengthy, tall
Eye color: luminous, green
Scars: none
Other important details: lengthy legs, large ears

She has an athletic build and her muscles stand out. She's very tall, has long legs. She has bright green eyes that stand out from her dark coat, and very long whiskers. She has a very balanced build (tall and long, well-built)

Accommodating & Venturesome
Ethical; dutiful and devoted
Selectively amenable
Authoritative; Indulgent
Intermittently adverse/strict

Elvira loves to help and can be very patient when she isn't busy. She has a hidden desire to seek out adventure; a trait she carried with her throughout her youth. She believes loyalty is earned, and is not loyal to bad behavior. Holds herself accountable to things she's passionate about. She doesn't like being challenged, but does her best with constructive criticism; she does have a temper!

Likes - rain, snow
- kits
- training/helping
Dislikes - stuff
- stuff
- stuff


AMELIA [ alive // biological mother ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

TBD [ status unknown // biological father ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

TBD [ deceased // twin brother ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

PAISLEY [ status unknown // adoptive mother ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

ROSALINE [ deceased // sister in-law ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

DAHLIA [ status unknown // sister in-law ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


CHRYSANTHEMUM [ alive // former mentor ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

ATLAS [ alive // good friend ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

RAIN [ alive // friend ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

JASMINE [ alive // former mentor ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

JASPER [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


N/A [ N/A //  N/A ]



RAVENNA [ alive // hate ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

ATTU [ alive // dislike ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


CERVANNA [ alive // acquaintance ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

FENIX [ alive // acquaintance ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Elvira was abandoned by her mother, Amelia, only days after her birth. She was born unexpectedly, moments after her twin brother, [TBD], died at birth. Her father had abandoned her family long before her mother had even been expecting his kits. MORE TBA

Major occurrences 

  • Abandoned soon after birth, after death of twin brother
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
Originally bought for: 0.40$ w/o art
Voice claim: Florence Welch
Fun fact: She is deathly afraid of heights.
Fun fact: She has never met her father and knows nothing of his status nor presence hence he left Amelia far before Elvira's birth.
Fun fact: Her role in Bayou (Emissary) translates to Deputy. She has resided in this tribe most of her life.
Fun fact: Emissaries were meant to double as healers of the group, but she never finished her training.

Elvira grew up in Bayou after being found as an abandoned kit and recruited by [TBA]. Eventually earning her Emissary rank, Chrysanthemum, the Stoneteller of Bayou, was tasked as her mentor. Chrys abandoned Bayou to reside with her mate, Akira, before the completion of Elvira's training. Jasmine abruptly took over Bayou as the Stoneteller and Elvira's mentor, but Bayou was divided when Attu, the leader of Walkway, awkwardly recruited in-group cats. Jasmine was recruited, leaving Elvira without completion of training. She handled this transition bitterly, and left to be on her own. Might have her travelling with some peeps not sure who yet 