


1 year, 1 month ago


Character Name


Name Shysnstar
Called Baby star man
Age 180+
Gender Male
Race Ristar
Role Demon aura destroyer
Alignment Hero


  • Extremely shy, doesn't handle his own emotions well
  • Clumsy, sometimes falls on his face
  • Very Friendly, would befriend anyone in an instant


  • Heavy amounts of positivity
  • Cuddling and friendly affection
  • Eating anything extremely sweet

I know things are tough but, the good is almost here so, don’t give up. Your strong and you’ll make it through, because the little star man believes in you! *he holds out a hand*


Shynstar is a very energetic, positive, cheerful yet nervous star man. He wishes nothing but the best for everyone and it always trying to put a smile on everyone's faces as best he can since he wants to be the greatest supporter in the multiverse to those arould him.


Shystar comes from a race of spacial creatures known as the Ristar race, doing battle against the treacherous Kaiser race, defeating them and their multiverse spread of demonic energy. Shynstar was born to 2 loving parents named CraterStar and HeliaStar, however they were both unfortunately killed by the Tyrant known as Kaiser Geox, whom after brutally murdering them, began spreading more of the infectious demon aura. Shynstar then took it upon himself to rise up and become saviour of the multiverse and vows to defeat Kaiser Geox, no matter what.


The little star man travels through different multiverses in portals that only he can travel through. If anyone tries to enter in them. they either die or fade away, lost to time, so it becomes hard for Shynstar to make friends with anyone. It leads him to trying to understand different cultured and make close friends as much as he can, since he can't spend too much time one given dimension. Though, there is brief moments where no demonic aura can be felt, and whenever that does happen, he visits his own home universe to pay his close friends a visit. His goal is to locate the 4 plantary shards in order to unlock his "omni" form.


  • Despite his small appearance of 2'2, he can fight most deity's and demigods no problem. His power is so broken that not even the likes of Karnage, the king of hell can defeat him.
  • He gets extremely flustered when complemented, since he isn't so used to nice things being said to him from his many many travels.
  • Since Shynstar is packing a huge breeding rod and boasting practically unlimited stamina, he has been used for mating purposes by different races before. Because of his unique DNA and these 2 factors combined, Shynstar can impregnate any man or woman, no exception.
  • Because of their unique DNA, the Ristar race (for my own canon and lore) can live up to 1000 years old, and only when they reach the age of 975 are they required to pass their seed into another full fledged Ristar member.
  • He has an odd fascination with bugs. Most things terrify him, yet bugs aren't a huge issue.



Moonstar [ Crackship ]

Moonstar has been Shynstar life long friend, always being there for him, cheering him on and supporting him whenever necessary. One day, during one of Shynstar's many visits, she admitted she had feelings for him after confirming it with many other people. Whil Shyn didn't truly understand what that meant, he was reluctant to pursue things with her. If a future exists builds between these two, then Shynstar will choose her as his life long mate.


Layla the echidna [ Friend ]

Layla took a liking to Shynstar after getting to spend some time with him, always turning into a cute, flustered mess whenever the little star man blinks, breathes, anything. She wants to teach him how to get stronger, in exchange for him bringing galactic fruit and space rocks for her to try sometime.


Grim Rykar [ Work Partners ]

(copied from Grim's links) Both Grim and Shynstar share a very equal feeling amongst themselves, that being that it is extremely hard for them to make friends and bonds. Though despite that, Grim and Shynstar having a very happy outlook on life with Grim being very cold and discerning, the two of them became friends and soon work partners, assissting the other in their endeavors. Grim is the only person who's allowed to travel through the portals Shynstar makes in order to track down and hunt demons and demonic energy throughout the multi-verse.