
1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Cis Female






Physical description:
Tix is a small monster who reaches around 100cm in height when standing in a relaxed position on her hind legs. Her neck can stretch and retract, adding some length. She can walk on her hind legs or on all four limbs and her hands and feet are especially suited for climbing. 

She has yellow and pale blue fur; the fur on her head and neck being longer and fluffier than that on the rest of her body.

Tix' body is very petite and she can squeeze through small spaces (much like cats). She isn't particularly strong but she is extremely flexible and has a good balance.

Tix has no teeth and swallows her food like a bird - her digestive system works like that of a bird as well, where small rocks in her gizzard. She is an herbivore and are unable to digest meats. Her diet consists of vegetables, nuts, fruits, grains, berries, breads, spices, candies and dishes made without meat. She can drink any type of beverage but prefers cold beverages.

As a prey animal her eyes are very big and are placed on the side of her head (much like a rabbit).

She has a cloaca that looks like that of a reptiles and as such works as the exit for her digestive system and as her reproductive system. In females of Tix' species the cloaca is connected to their ovaries while in males their penis is stored within their body, right behind the cloaca, and emerges when aroused.

The females lays two-four eggs when fertilized and the babies hatch being able to swallow solid foods right from birth. Tix's species does not have nipples or boobs.

Tix can be a little timid and nervous when meeting new people. She has anxiety and would rather avoid the situations that scare her to a point where she might physically remove herself from a situation or simply not show up to a situation that she knows will trigger her. As a natural prey animal, Tix is also hyper vigilant and will unconsciously scan her surroundings for dangers even if there shouldn't be any.

That being said, when Tix feels safe and confident she comes off as a very happy, nice and kindhearted person. She enjoys small-talk and chatting about her own or other people's interests. Her vigilant disposition carries over to the caring side of her, and she will pick up on small cues which allows her to easily understand how others feel and emphasize with them. She likes caring and pleasing others, and will gladly help both friends and strangers and do favors without expecting anything in return.

When Tix is with friends and partners she'll be quite up-beat and energetic. She's an ambivert in the sense that she charges her social batteries while doing calm activities by herself, but she feels rejuvenated and on top of the world after being together with friends. At concerts Tix will go all-out with her headbanging! 

Occupation & Hobbies:
Tix works in a small self-owned boutique where she sells fabric, yarn, sewing patterns and other related hobby articles. Tix herself is very creative when it comes to sewing and she makes clothes, plushies, accessories, bags, pillows, etc. in her spare time. She also knits, cross-stitches and makes her own patterns. 

She enjoys reading books (romance, horror, drama, fantasy), listening to music (heavy metal, death metal, power metal, melodic metal, melodic death metal), watch movies (horror, thriller, drama, romance).