
1 year, 1 month ago


(this page is a work in progress)

Arlo Cooke
27 | he/him | 6'5" (196 cm)

Arlo is Ashe's brother and Alicia's son, and the tallest in the family. Like his little sister, he's a very easygoing person who tries to live life as carefree as possible—often tagging along on whatever adventures she finds herself in or just hanging around at home—though can sometimes come off as lazy or unmotivated. Unlike his sister, he's incredibly chatty and can talk his mouth off about seemingly random topics for hours at a time. 

In terms of physical capabilities, he possesses a similar level of raw strength to Ashe, though she slightly outclasses him in that regard. While he's not as much of a fighter as his sister either, he can still be a decently challenging opponent (when he wants to be) and can take quite a beating. The two will even spar together in some friendly competition, though their matches tend to escalate very quickly since neither of them go down easily. His weapon of choice is his bare hands, and in a fight he typically goes for grapples and throws instead of strikes. 

Growing up, Arlo and Ashe's relationship was...rocky to say the least; the sibling rivalry was on full display, often competing with each other and getting into arguments—sometimes even full on fights—over seemingly minor and insignificant things. Despite this, they never "hated" each other and did genuinely care about and respect each other, mostly in an "only I'm allowed to make fun of you" sort of way. As the years went by, the rivalry died down considerably and their relationship became much friendlier, though they still like to tease each other every now and then.