Blaze Aldine



6 years, 17 days ago


Character Name

Blue, Kitten, Kitty
Unicorn/cat shifter
18 years







Blaze lives in a world full of supernaturals, so seeing oddities was pretty normal to him. What he still wasn't used to though, was shifting into a unicorn with cat ears and a tail every full moon. He was used to his "human" form, but he wasn't used to his animal form. His parents didn't help him, as they had slowly whithdrawn themselves from him shortly after he had come out as gay. So now he lives with his best friend and is quite happy with his life.

Blaze is a college student, so things aren't always easy for him, but he manages, and he has some amazing friends who have his back, just like he has theirs. Sometimes he has to deal with bullies, or with people who try to put him down because of his sexuality, but he rises through it all, fighting back twice as hard, all with a smile on his face. (Might be rewritten at some point)


Blaze is quite cheerful, and always loves to help. He's sweet to every person he meets, but if someone hurts his friends, he becomes an entirely different person. Though, when it comes closer to the full moon, he is prone to moodswings, moments of severe shyness and anxiety, or periods of time where he doesn't want to talk to anyone at all. Blaze is normally very cuddly, but sometimes he doesn't want to be touched at all. He is very loyal, and will quite literally, die for his friends or hide a body for them. When he's around them, he is quite playful and tends to joke around, unless there's a stranger talking to them, then he goes quiet unless spoken to.

He's very accepting of others, and doesn't really care what you are/believe in as long as other people or animals aren't hurt. He even accepts humans, whereas some people don't like humans at all He has a human best friend who he is very protective of.) When him or his friends are threatened, Blaze can get over-protective, even going as far as to get into fights if he feels they are in danger, he loves them dearly, he wouldn't want them hurt.


Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long.

Name — Relationship

Relationship info here. Can be a few sentences long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • Sweet things
  • Seafood
  • Nighttime
  • Studying
  • Spicy food
  • Mondays

  • His horn matches the colour of his hair and the insides of his ears.
  • He has human ears and cat ears.
  • His clothes always have a hole that his tail can poke out of.