Sir Whiskers



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Sir Whiskers

Gender: Cis Male, he/him

Age: ?

Race: Tabaxi?

Class: Trickster Bard

Personality: Chaotic good. Airy and very sing-songy. Clearly off his rocker and disheveled, Whiskers carries himself like a man gone mad. He perpetually contradicts himself, always seems to forget or misunderstand names, and will always gun for the option that lacks a shred of common sense. Despite being a bard he's quite terrible at literally anything related to music-- whether that be playing his guitar or singing-- but he always seems to insist upon doing both. He's usually seen twirling about, waving his instrument with little regard for his surroundings.

Description: Whiskers himself will tell anyone who will listen that he was simply born from the forest; that he awoke one day, covered in flowers (or moss... or mushrooms, depending on his retelling) to the sound of glorious fey music, and that that was the day he discovered his calling. Ever since then he claims to have been traversing the feywilds and every adjacent city, spreading his beautiful songs.