Heya!! Would anyone here interest you? 


Preferably characters under the worth of 300usd! <3 aside from that I can add on art or usd! 

Please let me know I am super interested and more than willing to negotiate :D

i can add 3 chibis and a scene to tokus offer ^^ maybe someone in my th but im tent 

I didn't see anyone, thank you though!

Hmm would you take 30usd + 3 to 4 pieces of art by any chance? <3 

Oh and you also free to look around this folder https://toyhou.se/Tochu/characters/folder:2693591 (some I am quite tent on) 

If feral designs aren't your thing I can offer to draw them Anthro with every change or idea you might have in mind! <3


Do you have any examples of your art and what you'd be willing to draw? (e.g fullbodies, headshots etc). If I was to accept it would be of my Main Fursona 

you can look in my art tab for examples! <3 https://toyhou.se/Tochu/art 

I can offer up to 2 fullbodies and the rest in chibi styles or half bodies! (chibis might be simplified) 

I usually use two styles so just tell me which one you prefer or a mix of em! if you have discord I can show you some more recent wip's I am working on! feel free to add me! <3 (chello)

Accepted this offer!

my art and oc offers still stand ^^ im tryna get them for tochu because theyre very interested in this character <3

I can offer anything that adds up to the worth of your choice from my art here: https://basilacademia.carrd.co/#commissions!

I hope you can find them a good home <3

Hello ! what are you looking for offre art ?

I'd be looking for art of my main oc - basically feel free to throw any offers with examples of artwork ! :) 

Thank you for the offer, the art is lovely! I'll keep you in mind :D 

Haww thank u and no problem :) let me know

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Hiya! Sorry i'm mostly looking for resale or artwork offers at the moment. Trying to reduce my characters down to hopefully just have one main sona instead of a collection so I don't really want to trade tee hee. Thank you though!

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