


5 years, 11 months ago




It's hard being an ancient being: living through the extermination of your entire race, flitting between realities to find an ease to the boredom, having an on-again off-again fling with an annoying yet... no just an annoying Faery king, and constantly having to WIPE YOUR FACE when in a humanoid form because your EYES DON'T STOP LEAKING. Yeah, life is fucking hard.

That doesn't even include how I managed to get involved with HAVEN: protecting the world from "monsters that hide in the dark." You can be scared of the dark as much as you fucking want; there are worse things living in the light.


Too old...


Lysanthros was born into a large and noble empire under Leviathan rule. His father had just wrest control of the throne, meaning Lysanthros was born as the crown prince. His race had gone largely unchallenged in the world, and the previous leadership had closed all communication with anyone not a Leviathan. With Lysanthros' father now in control of the empire, the Leviathan cities became beacons of trade and advancement. He grew up spoiled and wandered the streets of his great city. He generally wanted nothing to do with taking control of the empire, and spent most of his time wandering and exploring.

Lysanthros left the confines of the capital after an arguement with his father. He remained a flirt, and his confidence in his royal lineage led him to disregard his safety. Who would be stupid enough to attack the top predator, let alone the son of the king? He soon learned that answer, and as a result ended up in the care of the Fey. The two nations had recently become allies, and nursed the Leviathan back to health.

It was here that Lysanthros ended up in the care of young Prince Araelhelon. They detested each other, describing each other as too uptight, and the other too reckless. With persisting arrogance, and the occasional too much moon wine, the two ended up growing close. Very close for a time. It was cut short once Araelhelon was crowned king.

Once things were broken off with Araelhelon, Lysanthros returned to venturing the world. A new race had appeared before his exile - humans - and they were multiplying quickly. His interactions with them left him disappointed, and he often made a point of avoiding them. As such, he was unaware of the increasing threat to his home.

The humans despised the other creatures that made the world their home. Their resentment and hatred slowly bubbled into rage. Their numbers quickly increased, and with higher numbers came greater strength. In one fell swoop, they destroyed everything Lysanthros knew. His home laid in ruins, his people slaughtered, and he was made violently aware that he was alone in the world. He rampaged against the humans, slaughtering them as they had slaughtered his people. Only Araelhelon was able to calm him, but he remained changed by his loss. No longer a care-free individual, he withdrew from all social contact and retreated to the depths of the ocean.

It was centuries later that Lysanthros was once again pulled out of isolation by Araelhelon. The world had drastically changed from what he once knew. Humans had taken control of most of the world, and the creatures he once knew as friends had been forced into hiding. The Fey had struck a deal with a human society; keep the creatures from harming humans and monitor their activity, and in exchange, the Hunter program will be discontinued. Araelhelon convinced Lysanthros to help with the emerging project: Humanity's Administration of Varient Ecological Nuances - H.A.V.E.N. He created their headquarters in a pocket dimension and maintains both the world itself and the gateways into it. There are few others that can get in without his approval.

He has no care for the humans in charge but is glad to see the cooperation of the many creatures he once saw visiting his long destroyed home. Not to mention getting to be close with Araelhelon again...

And that one human... she isn't as detestable as he initally thought.

Design Notes

Human: Lysanthros is a very tall, lean individual in his human form. He measures up, without horns, to 6'8" and weighs ~200lbs.

Top Down: Hair is side swept and shaved on the sides and around the back [x][x]. It's dark grey in color. His horns grow from just above his ears (slightly pointed) and curl around and out like a ram. They are striped in black and white, where the tip is always black and the base is always white. His eyes are the only unique feature of his face, as the eye is blue/purple in color and the pupil is + shaped. The whites are completely black and constantly drip like ink yet with a thicker consistency. He's tall and somewhat lanky, yet still has defined musculature. His tail is striped like the horns and flexible (to a point). It feels smooth to the touch, and it's not surprising to find Lysanthros cradling himself up and relaxing with it. It's (generally) about as long as he is tall.

Leviathan: Serpentine shape but with a set of fins near the and with horns like in his human form. The stripe patterning continues through but is extremely faded and appears more blue than black/white.


Portals - Lysanthros can create and temporarily hold open portals. Cross-dimension portals take more focus and energy.

Pocket Dimension - While in his serpentine form, Lysanthros can create a pocket dimension to retreat to as needed. He can only maintain enough focus to keep two pockets open at a time, and the size of one directly influences the size of the other..

Scalding Water - Serpentine form only, Lysanthros can summon and blast scalding water from his mouth.