


1 year, 4 months ago



Name: Ai 

Age: 16

Pronouns: She/her

Recreate type: Man made recreate

Birthday: 28 November

Height: 5'0"


Ai was born human and into a wealthy family, with her human name being Aiko. Both her parents were famous Recreate researches and experimenters and would often bring her to work with them. Aiko, not understanding what harm was being brought upon Recreates, wanted to follow in her parents foot steps and become head of the company when they passed on. Over time, as Aiko grew older she became more and more intrigued with Recreates and would spend countless hours talking to the subjects. Here she met Azalea, a nature Recreate taken at age 10. Aiko spent everyday visiting and conversing with Azalea, learning about her and where she came from. One morning she darted towards her room only to find her neatly made bed and the silent streams of sun rolling through the window. Looking Aimlesly Aiko's father explained Azalea was corrupted and had to be removed from the facility. Aiko was devistaed and knew Azalea wasn't corrupted as she had just spoken on the chance of being let out. Her father had lied to both her and Azalea. Confusing emotions welled within her chest, she knew she needed to save the Recreates.

On Aiko's 13th birthday she decided it was finally time to go forward with the distruction of the company. Over a few weeks she began to put together a plan that would help the Recreates escape and at the same time destroy all the works of the company. As she worked towards their freedom, she became more and more distant from her parents causing suspicion to be aroused.

The morning of her plan came around, her parents had the day off creating the perfect way to dispose of the evidence and frame it as an inside problem. She whipped her backpack across her shoulder and slipped down the hallway. Her father was on the phone and her mother was baking. Swiftly she went towards the back door. Walking softly across the wooden floors she reached for the handle."Aiko, where are you going." Her father stood behind her, phone held by his side."Ah, well.." She looked anywhere but at him, praying for some sort of excuse to come to mind. "I wanted to go do some research, at the..." She began to mutter before her father cut her off. "Would you like to come by the office with me and do some research there?" He ushered, slipping the phone into his pocket. Aiko nodded gently as he encourted her to the car.

The drive was long and silent. She could feel her fathers suspicions following her every movement. "We're here, you'll stay in my office understand." He pulled the car over. She nodded again, feeling as though any word she said would be wrong.