Hirohiko Oma




and here's his character.ai page! go nuts! 


Hirohiko Oma

Hirohiko was born into a family that had a big name once but, oh well. His Mother Shinobu Oma, his sister Aya Oma as well as his grandfather Yoshihiro Oma were the only people he could trust in his youth. His sister was the one who accepted his identity, she picked out his name and helped him feel comfortable in his skin by cutting his hair whenever it grew too long. Once Hirohiko’s father had accumulated unpayable debt with the yakuza he disappeared. His family was abducted as a threat, but the father never showed himself after absconding. Over the time they’ve been captured his mother had died from illness and the two siblings sold off into slavery. Yoshihiro died as he was protecting the siblings. His sharp senses aren’t what they used to be. Oma can’t remember what happened after that, all that’s left over from that time is the large wound across his chest and the loss of his family. He managed to survive by living off random farmers who temporarily took him in. Oma raised himself. His skilled marksmanship was one of the things that allowed him to weasel his way into the strongest division in the imperial Japanese army, but that's about all that is notable about him. Not very popular in the division.

Age: 19~20

Gender/Sex: Transguy


Sexuality: (Demi-)Bisexual

He outright refuses to cut his hair, makes sure it stays damage free and is always carefully combed through. Though he doesn’t like having long hair at all. It’s not for himself.


-Good eyesight, great Sniper qualities. 

-Good at math despite never going to a school. 

-Fingers never tremble. 

-Subconsciously knows how to fight with a katana. 

-Pretty acrobatic!


 -Gossip, Candy, Camping and cute things. 

-Showing off! Skills and knowledge, though he gets gun facts wrong. 


-Shiitake Mushrooms!


-Cleaning his rifle. 

-Assembling and disassembling things. 

-Listening in on conversation and napping. 


-oh and the gossip…

-Climbing trees

-sneaking out of camp, teehee!


-Wet and slimy things like frogs and lizards. 

-Organ meat 

-Root vegetables that are bitter

-Being ignored

-Chores. Boring!!!


-Being caught after sneaking out of camp. 

-People finding out he’s trans. 

-Abandonment and Commitment. 


-Remembering his childhood


-Like a ferret he is very flexible and athletic if he doesn’t slack off. 

-Physically strong… well, sometimes.


-He cannot stay serious for too long. 

-Stressful situations make him shut down and he will attempt to isolate himself.

-Loves confrontation and lashes out easily, though he sometimes bites off too much to chew. 

-Despite being a good sniper in theory he’s very impatient and childish at times. 

-Has no sense of scent! Maybe it’s a blessing with all these gross guys around.

Personality blurb: 

His personality is unbearable to most people. Oma pretends to be a spoiled brat and acts all high and mighty. He has an awful temper, but he is giddy, smug and joyful most of the time. Emotionally unstable/unapproachable if under stress. Bad mouths people any opportunity he gets but he rarely means harm in his words. Very on the spectrum.

Occupation: Second Class Private in the 7th Division, 27th Regiment