


1 year, 1 month ago


he/him | centaur (but ram instead of horse?) | based on safia - counting sheep i fukcing love this song please stop me from looping it | anxious and sweaty and sleepless man :( | 35+??

!! tw: ab*se
very nice guy, would literally help you with anything but he's a doormat cause he's afraid of upsetting people and so is easy to be pushed around. he's well aware of this and hates being exploited but he finds it hard to say no anyway
he grew up with social anxiety. he's mostly passive and quiet, avoids chitchatting but reaches out when he needs small favors (does the larger ones by himself as he doesn't want to be a bother). his voice is a little shaky.
he wants to get rid of his anxiety so that he can interact naturally and finally get some sleep. unfortunately, he's stuck in this cycle where whenever he steps out of his comfort zone he gets humiliated (people think he should stay inferior and fulfill tasks for them, that's why they dismiss him) and reinforces his anxiety.
he personifies his anxiety and converses with it in his imagination.
a major part of his anxiety is triggered by his abusive wife. she once loved him and was good to him, but other people walked on chronelius like a doormat and she starts to feel ashamed of being his wife. so she tells everyone she doesn't like him, and starts to treat him like her servant just as the others do. she had wanted to defend him, though after a prolonged time of embarrassment and helplessness, she became disillusioned and ended up treating him like garbage. as a result chronelius doesn't have anyone to turn to and he's really lonely.
the only thing that consoles him is transferring his thoughts into music using his magical music box which is connected to his soul. he finds familiarity and comfort in the gentle, delicate melody.

;; design notes
the cuckoo thing on his chest can be tucked in!!! I'm soryr he's a bit hard to draw

;; uhm i don't have lore for him yet........................

;; trivia
chronelius is a mix of 2 names: "chrono" which means time and "cornelius" which means the horn musical instrument.
the music box part comes from the lyric "box my thoughts, and give me some relief".