Sammy Circle




I wasn't sure about adding Sammy as an "official" character on here, but I finally sat down and figured hey, WHY NOT? Anyways, here's a fun fact about this little fella here. He's my absolutely first OC that I ever made! I made him back when I was just 10 years old back in 2005, and I used to doodle him all over my homework and school papers! I even drew a few comics with him where I folded sheets of paper and stapled them together to make little books with! (My teachers were VERY annoyed with it but I didn't care lmao)

The story is that he (and his other shape friends) live in a math textbook in a regular old classroom, and when the book is closed and the class is empty, they come to life! Think like, Toy Story logic but with random shapes lol. Hey, I was 10! It was the best I could come up with at the time.

Anyways, now that I'm an adult, I can polish his story and character a little bit. I'm keeping the classic mathbook setting, but I want to clarify a few things. 1, I always meant for him to be an adult! As a kid, I pictured him as being a teacher full time, which was why he lived in a math textbook. Second, as I clean his character up a bit more, I want to keep his story set in the 2005-2007 school era, since that's when I originally made him (and a lot of people are nostalgic for the early 2000s these days too)

So, here he is! Meet Sammy Circle! My very first OC, revisited as an adult!


My childhood self would be so proud! Also I never made him have a canon age other than "grown up" so let's just chalk him down as being uuuuhhh 20 lmao. There's no way in hell this little dumbass is old enough to go to a bar LOL

Also he's gay now, sorry I don't make the rules. Oh wait, yeah I totally do aaaaayyyy lmao

Also, here's the very first original doodle! Oh to be a kid again LOL
