


8 years, 7 months ago


  • Name: Shio
  • Gender: Male
  • Twin Brother: Shio
  • Age: He looks around 15 years old
  • Actual Age: 115 years old (In his teens in demon years)
  • Species: Demon/Vampire
  • Likes: Sweets
  • Prized Posessions: Nio, a plushie

Nao is the younger twin brother of Shio and has a more mischief and childish atittude than Shio and can be a crybaby at times. He just loves to be naughty and devilish, pranking and scaring people a lot but can go to far doing this without realzing it. He's care deeply for Shio and also keeps a close eye on him whenever he haves his anxiety attacks so he can calm him down whenever they happen, since they can be sudden sometimes. Despite his childish atittude, he can be quite mature when he needs to be, like he knows the time will come for them to go their seperate ways and his ready for that despite how painful it will be and knowing the one that will have the hardest time accepting this would be Shio, due to his fear. Nao was also very pained at the lost of their parents but shook it off, knowing their parents wouldn't have like it to dwell too much on them, and tried his best to take care of Shio and help him get over it slowly.

They share their most prized possession, Nio, a demon franken bat plushie. It was giving to them since they were kids by their decesed parents, being very precious to them since it was made by hand by their parents and also being their only memery of them to rememeber them by. Nio has being many years with them, it has being damaged, stolen and rescued a few times making the brothers had to fix the plushie themselves the best they could so it looked like new. It really depends who carries it, but the one that carries is it the most is Nao but when Shio is about to or his having attack he needs to hold Nio to calm himself, but there are times he's the one mostly carrying it.