
1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Eye Color:

Faintly glowing silver that occasionally reverts to brown or black, this color signifies his powers and control level.


His hair is a deep black in color that he keeps slightly long and loose.


Keith tends to wear blue jeans and loose t-shirts when in his human form, which is rare for him nowadays, and he is never seen without two special necklaces that are visible in either form. The necklaces consist of the gateway necklace he acquired some time ago now and the shadow pebble that he uses for controlling his dark powers.

Animal Form:

As a were-shifter Keith can take any animal form he desires but in any form his silver eyes and black hide set him apart. His main form is still his original wolf form though which has coal black fur, bright silver eyes, and faint silver markings covering his back. He also has coal black feathery wings that he tends to keep in any form even as human.


As a first and a drainer Keith has access to any power available but he still tends towards using only his original powers or those necessary for the situation. His first and most powerful abilities manifested as shadows, lightning, and water-breathing; many of his other powers such as his wings and teleportation manifested from his shadow powers as well. Beyond those he is also a drainer, spirit-walker, prophecy-dreamer, telepath, were-shifter, and phoenix-blessed. As a bearer of the mark of the phoenix he can take on the blazing phoenix form where his flames tend to be a light silvery blue.


Most of his powers are physically and mentally exhausting, often leading him to pass out or sleep in odd predicaments and positions, and as a prophecy-dreamer his sleep is often far from restful. As a means of getting past this he studied the ancient dragon barriers and sealed most of his dreams, allowing him to rest without dreams at the cost of losing some of his connection to the prophecy dreams and the spirit world in general.


Keith was turned, or rather released, by an ancient and powerful pureblood and was haunted by her family for much of his younger years. As a means of controlling his early shadow powers he studied under the first werewolf Herb and learned all he could of the weres' history and the wereworld in general. After leaving her care he travelled for many years until he met Dusk and then they had many fights and adventures together, ultimately ending with both accepting the curse of the first from Herb and allowing the old werewolf to finally rest. From there they played a hand in restoring the ancient races and bringing peace between the species before he finally settled down with his long-time mate and partner to escape the politics of the new world.




  • FULL NAME Keith Killer Jones
  • NICKNAME(S) Unknown
  • AGE 220 yrs
  • GENDER Male
  • PRONOUNS Unknown
  • HEIGHT 6'1"
  • SPECIES Werewolf
  • WERECLASS Half-Blood
  • POSITION First by Night
  • THEME Unknown


Fusce pellentesque eleifend placerat. Suspendisse finibus in ligula id posuere. Donec sit amet lacus nulla. Suspendisse egestas sed dolor vitae pellentesque. Ut sed ligula id turpis convallis tincidunt ac nec quam. Vivamus eu mauris quis tortor fringilla rhoncus. Aenean eu commodo lectus, ornare egestas orci. Nulla condimentum rutrum ex.

Fusce eget purus quis libero scelerisque eleifend quis ut sem. Vestibulum vitae nibh ut eros pellentesque vehicula et sed justo. Sed sit amet sapien pretium nunc faucibus hendrerit semper vitae mi. Quisque eget egestas orci. Etiam venenatis lectus massa, non pellentesque risus egestas non. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras sit amet nibh rutrum quam consequat condimentum. Donec sollicitudin molestie tempor. Nulla molestie eleifend odio vitae varius. Maecenas eget purus auctor ex gravida lacinia volutpat vitae dui. Quisque tristique libero ut tortor convallis mollis. Donec luctus dolor ac dui tempus, ut interdum quam congue.



Keith is an old half-blood now and he knows both the terrors and the joys of the wereworld but he prefers to distance himself and his family from both. He often seems cold and aloof to those that first meet him but he's always been told he has a good heart and he remains loyal to his friends, often times to the point of making things worse. He doesn't speak aloud very often and when he does he adopts the dragons' method of thought-speech to get his point across.

Vestibulum sagittis posuere eros sit amet vehicula. Ut vestibulum odio nisi, nec molestie massa rhoncus consequat. Vivamus finibus, lacus id mollis aliquam, mi magna pretium nibh, quis semper tortor nunc at elit. Fusce pellentesque semper accumsan. Donec at tincidunt sem. Duis blandit porta eleifend. Sed rutrum felis ut lectus egestas facilisis. Phasellus consectetur fermentum ipsum sit amet feugiat. Fusce facilisis ullamcorper odio quis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada interdum diam sed vestibulum. Phasellus erat mauris, rutrum sed rutrum sit amet, ultrices gravida augue.


  • Dusk
  • Sleeping Underwater
  • Speaking with the Ancient Races
  • Sleeping in General
  • Unknown


  • Hostile Weres
  • Nightmares
  • Anything that Threatens his Family
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • 27630629_Aty08YZJuvEmKJV.png
  • Aenean ullamcorper mattis scelerisque. Ut in venenatis nisl.
  • Pellentesque at rhoncus felis, ac rutrum ligula. Phasellus vitae rutrum lacus. Cras eleifend tristique neque, a pretium eros aliquet sed.
  • Vivamus vitae scelerisque enim. Etiam sit amet semper nibh. Proin viverra fermentum risus eu lacinia. Nam iaculis lectus ac sodales pharetra.
  • Maecenas laoreet, nisi vel accumsan ultricies, turpis justo luctus justo, ac bibendum risus sapien nec nulla.
  • Mauris ac dolor eu nisl gravida posuere ultricies ac nulla. Aenean aliquet nisl ut velit interdum suscipit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Code by Aurorean