Ame "Love" Ladybird



1 year, 10 days ago



Ame "Love" Ladybird


Late 20's

February 14th



5'2" / 160 cm

150 lbs / 68 kg

Heart Entity



  • Cherries
  • Soft things
  • Mending and sewing
  • Making others happy

  • Being angry
  • Being taken advantage of
  • Getting dirty
  • Misappropriating Heart magic

  • Ball-joint doll made of cherrywood and pink threads, drawer in chest where their heart is
  • Can sense other's hearts and emotions
  • Wields a bow and arrow
  • Has extremely strong convictions over the use of Heart magic, so much misuse is physically incompatible with their being










  • Caring
  • Empathetic
  • Selfless
  • Hardworking

  • Self-sacrificing
  • Easily-angered
  • Emotional
  • Too trusting

The newest and pinkest member of the Spectrum. It's very easy to dismiss Ame as fligthy and weak, but they aren't one to be trifled with. They're as vengeful as they are gentle.

Despite this, Ame is a friend to all and pride themself in their ability to see a problem from all sides. They care very deeply for their friends and considers their wellbeing a top priority. If it comes at their expense, well, it's just an occupational hazard isn't it?

Ame's room is stacked to the ceiling with pillows and soft things. Their job consists mainly of mending and repairing, both people and clothes. They're an extremely skilled craftsperson and also a very adept healer. They and Logic run a clinic out of Logic's scape. Ame has healing kisses and infinitely better bedside manner than Logic.



Ame came out...wrong. Late. They were supposed to manifest around the same time as their fellow members. No one knows why they were so late, but they try their best to make up for lost time. Bending over backwards to be the best Heart member and trying to impress their boss: Harley. This worked out for a while, the two striking up a close bond.

Still, this didn't stop Ame from being constantly underestimated. They had all functioned just fine without a Heart entity, Ame as caught in an endless loop of proving themself. They never felt fully valued or trusted by their coworkers. After all, why was Harley so tight-lipped about the...thing behind that locked door?


Ame knew he always felt a heart breaking. Little by little, almost imperceptibly, but they never pried. And then, that slow fade gave way to a collctive shatter when Angus was found stone dead. One heart was out, the rest an uproar of grief. And one seized in terror. All at once, everything became clear. Harley had been hiding Angus away, slowly killing him. And now, at his death, Harley looked more scared for himself than for Angus.

But, there was one thing Ame could do, and they hoped they wouldn't ever have to. It meant giving up a large chunk of themself away, and it would be potentially deadly. But, after everything Angus had been through, Ame decided he deserved a second chance. They took a vital thread from their heart and imdedded it in Angus's reviving him.

Angus's recovery was slow and painful, but Ame resigned to stay by his side every step of the way. They promised Angus would never be abandoned like that again. And with the two now permanently entwined, they were bound together for better or for worse.


Amne and Harley's friendship was ruined for good, but Ame found their place in he headspace regardless of him. Living and fighting by Angus's side gave Ame more purpose than they felt they deserved.

As Angus gets stronger, so does Ame. They build each other up and make a fantastic team.


Angus and Ame are permanently tied together ever since Ame revived him, both magically and familiarly. Ame is extremely devoted to and fiercely protective of him, considering him their closest and most beloved friend. They find their purpose in caring for him.

Harley and Ame used to be close, but that was over the moment Ame learned the truth about Angus. Outside of their obligations, Ame often avoids Harley these days. Over time, their relationship improves, but it will never be the same as it once was.

Besides being on complete opposite sides of the emotional spctrum, Oliver and Ame are actually quite close. They both share the skill and desire to keep their friends happy and healthy, with Ame being the heart and Oliver the brains.


  • Made of wood but their mechanics are dubious. The only joints are their main limbs, fingers, and neck. Their blush is painted on.
  • Clothes features are soft and fluffy. They have some "chub".
  • Long eyelashes and feminine features, but perfers masculine and neutral terms.
  • Love of 1920's "flapper" fashion and feathers.

TRAIT Very, very pink, very few other colors

TRAIT Shortest member of the Spectrum

TRAIT Technically the youngest, but the same age as everyone else

TRAIT Lots of curls and curves