Cracked Amethyst Trade



1 year, 4 months ago


Bought for $12!

An amethyst that emerged slight after the rebellion started up on earth. She was a tad bit late, but nothing enough to cause a large change in her appearance. She was thrown into the war almost instantly, but with a childlike curiosity that came with emerging a little late, she would often sneak off to spy on the planet around her. That’s when she met humans who caught her eye! She enjoyed sneaking off to play with them, however eventually others caught on. She doesn’t k ow what happened to the humans, but knows her commanding agate would not have been kind to them. Because of this her eyes were opened to the rebellion and she quickly switched sides!

She joined the rebellion quickly after that, and became a beloved member of a small crew. They specialized in stealing ships, and using them against homeworld! On the day the Diamonds came to finish the war themselves, the day of the corruption blast, they had just so happened to be in space on a stolen ship! Because of this they were saved from their earthly fate, but lost everyone. Instead of looking back they chose to flee. The blast, however, did not leave them completely untouched. It was powerful enough to shake the ship they stood on, and unfortunately Amethyst’s gem was cracked. She has managed to keep it preserved as best as possible, but the effects have been quite damaging to her mental health and stability. She has begun to slowly loose her mind.