Cheval Certus



1 year, 27 days ago



AKA: The Soldier in White , or The Heiress's Will




Reffered to as the "Soldier in White" by some, Cheval is the mystery "violet" troll behind the arrests and disappearances in various towns. In truth, he's an awkward, unsocialised indigo troll living as a sort of hermit outside of civilisation. His log cabin hive is in a dense forest that neighbours several populated areas-- and is very difficult to find, let alone reach .

He has an infatuation with the concept of knighthood and chivalrous justice, and his self-imposed duty relates to it. He spends most of his weekdays patrolling towns with minimal drone presence and rescuing those who can't fight for themselves. In order to keep himself safe...and to avoid conversation, he wears a full set of stolen seadweller armor that he'd painted white.

Due to his outfit and his large tail, he is often mistaken for a sea-dweller. Although he doesn't quite fit the real world term, he can be simplified as a "Self-appointed police officer". He'll have one or two prisoners "under arrest" in his hive at a time, and will typically let them go after their punishment is over and their time spent. Otherwise? He's barely ever seen by most of society. He's either a nobody or a monster in the eyes of the general populace.

trolling: ardentCavalier

AC: Oh. of course, A humAn. OuAis, I know All AbouT This very réel species ThAt is noT mAde up by lunATics.

- Cheval talking about Gale

Cheval Certus


Sh-ih-val Sir-tis







Sexual Orientation


Romantic Orientation


Lunar sway

8.77 Sweeps | 19 Years


Land-dwelling Troll


Euro-alternia (France)

Area of origin

High Blood


Indigo #000ECF

Blood Caste



ardent cavalier



Jim Redler (French) Louis Garell (English)


Cheval is a man of few words. He very rarely speaks to others, and avoids conversation (Particularly with anyone not close to him) when he can. He avoids it so much that he can end up intimidating others through miscommunication. He prefers to be quiet-- and when he DOES speak, it's in euro-alternian rather than central (or in french, as humans call it.)

He moves with purpose, but slouches and bends often to make himself appear smaller while speaking to others. Best described as "serious" by outsiders and "Awkward" by the better-informed. Despite his privileged standing and super strength, he hates both and makes an effort to express that when it's brought up to him. Like all highblood land-dwellers, he's prone to violence or anger, with particular triggers that bring out the more beastly side of him. To muffle his adrenaline-fuelled urges, he takes hand-made pills that physically weaken him, though the side-effects are unbearable. He typically avoids causing fights, putting his focus more on the intervention of existing ones. He may seem scary at first glance, but his obvious awkwardness and attempts to look non-threatening make talking to him feel confusing. The weak and submissive "facade" he puts on to hide his strength and blend in is frustrating to certain people, but unpredictable to most.


Aside from LITERAL strength, Cheval's greatest one is his sense of justice. He has a strong moral compass, and instead of allowing things to happen, is usually the one to get up and do something about it. When put into social groups, he will typically step in to settle arguments and prevent fights. He is extremely loyal, and fiercely protects those he is close with. In the case of his Matesprite specifically, he follows directions when given them. He is extremely stoic, yet motivated internally by his emotions. His anger comes across as more of a roar or a bellow rather than a scream, and his actions speak louder than his expressions. He has a lot of empathy, even for strangers, and can be relied on for protection. Outside of social circumstances, he's calculated and thorough, thinking things through to the fullest extent and always seeing things through to their end. Though he definitely shows his emotions, they're typically of a restricted nature, his pitch rarely changing and his volume even-- With two glaring exceptions. Even if he's awkward, most of his strangeness comes from his trying to be genuinely kind and honest at the same time.


Though some may see this as a strength, Cheval considers his merciful nature to be a weakness. In places where he may be expected to kill, even if he's been wronged, he finds it difficult to put lives to an end-- a stark outlier among highbloods. His shaky reaction to killing someone tends to be obvious, leading others to cite this as symptoms of Dolofoniphobia-- The irrational fear of murder (or, at least, irrational to troll society). He cares more for others than himself, putting himself in stressful situations at best and putting himself at risk at worst. Though he has a firm sense of 'pride', his self-esteem leaves much to be the point where poking some very specific buttons can briefly anger him. Though he attempts to hide this, his strong inner emotions can sometimes slip out, causing frankly intimidating outbursts. He is still a highblood, after all. Cheval also struggles A LOT socially, and is extremely awkward and nervous. He often overthinks the smallest of interactions, while also missing obvious signals and circling back into denseness anyways. To hide his strength while unmasked in a casual setting, he's been known to fake losses in fights that are brought to him. Some might describe him as "indecisive", as he struggles between presenting himself as weak and unremarkable or tough and honourable.


  • Swords and shields
  • The quiet
  • Chivalry and protecting others
  • Fish (his primary diet)


  • loud and crowded places
  • Being photographed
  • Snare traps
  • His caste and strength


  • Reading
  • Swimming
  • "Patrolling"
  • Studying and making medicine


Regular grammar, caps, and punctuation, all Ts and As are capitalised to symbolise a sword and shield. Often avoids contractions (EX: Will not as opposed to won’t) and speaks sparingly in french. Sometimes makes “English” grammar or spelling errors, and uses formal speech patterns.

trolling: ardentCavalier

AC: "lAw enforcemenT"? Non, jusTe moi. AT leAsT, one is less likely To die, should I ArrêTer Them. Which I do ofTen. un à lA fois.
Determination Pusillanimous

Stalwart Unreliable

Bravery Cowardice

Honour Degradation

Justice Unfairness

Mercy Cruelty

Kindness Rudeness

Patience Impatience

Integrity Dishonesty

Loyalty Treachery

Initiative Reluctance

Devotion Detachment


Classpect Knight of Light
Class Type Active
Function Type Exploitation(C)/Application(D)

Knights are the active half of the Exploitation class, with their counterpart being the passive Pages. They turn their aspect into a weapon or tool in order to accomplish their goals. Knights tend to have low self-esteem, and all Knights have a false personality that they present to the world. Though they have tremendous attack power, any session with a Knight in it is tragically lacking in that Knight’s element. Light is the aspect of information, relevance, clarity, and luck. It’s counterpart is Void. Light players tend to be clever and goal-oriented,

A Knight of Light would have the ability to weaponize luck and information for their own benefit and the benefit of their teammates, be it through afflicting enemies with ill fortune, or using knowledge of their weaknesses against them. This skill makes the Knight of Light a very powerful ally. Unfortunately, the Knight’s teammates will suffer from ill fortune and ignorance due to the unspoken payment for the Knight’s power. Their greatest strength is their marvelous luck and fighting ability, but their greatest weakness is their inability to accept themselves.Their special power would be super accuracy. Once something’s in the sights of a Knight of Light, it’s not leaving unscathed.

Post God-tiering, a Knight of Light would be an incredibly strong fighter, even more than they already were. Their luck might keep them from being killed at all, so they’d never have to worry about facing the clock of Heroism v. Justice, and they could likely kill hundreds of imps with a single lucky blow. (VIA: Sylph of Hope analysis)

trolling: atlanteanTheomachy

AT: W)-(y would I r——Emov——E )-(is autonomy? I ——Enjoy s——E——Eing w)-(at )-(——E can accomplis)-(. I'm proud of )-(im and )-(is morals.

- Rahita talking about Cheval












Psychic Immunity

Mind Control

Physical Durability



trolling: cerebricThespian

CT: but HIM? You're making a brand new MONSTER and you KNOW it. you don't care, either! He's going to get worse and worse, and you're so BLIND that you'll LET IT happen!

- Shwtym talking about Cheval

Style Equipment rack

The Round Table Modus is an iconic choice for the chivalry-inclined, its sword and shield gimmick a glowing symbol of honour. Of course, the user STILL has to get past its...inconveniences.

Every item Cheval picks up and puts in his sylladex is turned into a shield. He can take any item he wants out of it in any order, but to retrieve the item, a sword must hit the item's shield form. Makes for good temporary shields, but inconvenient for typical use. What counts as a sword is historically arbitrary, making it very swing-and-a-miss in reliability.

Name Chargebladekind | Bladekind
Style Weapon
Type Heavy melee

A Specibus allocated towards any kind of blade-- with a sub-type specifying chargeblades. A sword and shield combo weapon that can be used either seperately or together, then charged to do elemental damage. It is a very large, heavy weapon type, and requires a lot of strength to comfortably wield-- especially in its combination form. It was originally invented for slaying large monsters.

Cheval's endgame weapon is the Winged Beacon. It was alchemised using his Hellfire Longsword, a relic of light (found on LOGAC), and a duplicate of his helmet. It deals fire damage and can be charged normally (through damage), or ignited by running the blade across a hard surface.

Name Land of Games and Chance (LOGAC)
Consort Type Dogs
Denizen Helios

A concrete jungle of neon and loud music, LOGAC heavily resembles the vegas strip, but through almost an entire planet. What wilderness there is has been overrun with imps, the denizen making anywhere outside the cities very dangerous. A civilised/intelligent land, its currency and means of trade run entirely on games of chance and gambling- making navigation difficult for a logic-based mind. Cheval’s hive spawns just outside the border walls of the capital, where its consorts have locked themselves into safety inside.

In a world where gambling is the only way to interact with the people, Cheval will have to play by their rules to make his way around and gain information. The denizen, a huge beast that lies in a cave outside the city walls, must be dealt with so they can be free once more– but learning about it, where it is, and how to get to it, won’t be as easy as just asking around … and snooping around too much can attract unsavoury attention. Not ALL the consorts of this land are innocent victims- in fact, the most powerful in the city would rather nothing change...


6'09" | 2.06m


scars on ears/throat

Notable markings


Body Type

Long, wavy

Hair Type

Thick and rounded ("Fat")

Tail Type

Forward pointing

Horn type


  • Pupils are very small compared to the average troll. This is visual and not typically mentioned in canon
  • Has a VERY thick tail that has a rounder end. He uses it both to swim and to aid him in combat. It's usually made fun of and referred to as "fat" by others.
  • There are notch scars on his ears where his mock-fin earrings used to be. There are two on each side.
  • the coloured sign on his armour is for art only. in-universe it's engraved, hiding his blood colour.
  • His scarf tends to "float" as if constantly blown by wind. This is just to aid in composition and isn't meant to be canon. Can be referred to in jokes, though. Its status as notable in-universe is dubious and summed up to "it exists when its funny".
  • The scarf is still a required part of his design, though. For lore reasons, it's only taken off in specific contexts.
Hair: #181716
Skin: #726D85
Shirt: #2F1D68
Jacket: #1D1E25
Scarf: #ADB9FF
Eyes + blood : #001BD4
Armour #F3EAFF
Horn 1: #F20A3C
Horn 2: #EF7815
Horn 3: #FDBA18


Early Life

A lost egg


Although Cheval's spiralling white egg was laid in the euro-alternian mothergub cavern, it was quickly lost and seperated from its clutch. Due to the abundance of water (and waterfalls) in the cavern's layout, the egg was swept away by the ocean during hightide. It was later discovered by an auxiliatrice in central-alternia, leading to his hatching in the wrong country.

Upon hatching, the young strength-gifted grub immediately lunged at the hatching eggs around him, prompting the minders to intervene. With the grub population already in peril (Thanks to Her Illustrious Insanity's paint obsession), the jade bloods couldn't risk more dying-- especially not to another rogue wiggler. Consequentially, Cheval's first memory was hearing the minders debate what was wrong with him- only for a senior to remark that nothing was wrong. He was just what his generation needed-- "A little monster".

Making it to the surface

Cheval easily completed his dangerous trials to reach the surface, although slowly. His "unfortunate" merciful nature showed early on, as he wordlessly helped several others through the danger if he saw them-- at the cost of his honour and efficiency. This was especially the case when a certain other kid took advantage of his kindness, used him as a literal step-stool, and intended to leave him for dead. Regardless, Cheval survived and was chosen by his lusus-- a hellsteed he would eventually name Jacques De Moneigh. He learned to ride quickly, even if his legs were still a litle too short to do it well.

Unfortunately, he was a curious child, and wandered off a lot. Just as his egg was, Cheval became hopelessly lost in what might be considered record time. After designing a simple cabin hive with two floors and a basement, he was cared for by Moneigh for a depressingly short time. One day he walked off to explore the forest, then did not come back. Moneigh searched for him for sweeps, and only managed to catch up with him after approximately seven.

A new lifestyle

After wandering off too far from home and his lusus, Cheval drifted for a few days, sleeping under temporary shelters and foraging for food. Eventually, he was caught in a shining wire-- a snare trap set by another troll. The wire damaged his neck and throat in his panic, his fear scarring him for life. He passed out from hunger and shock, but was luckily rescued by a slightly older violet troll named Regias-- before the trap setter could come to finish the job.

Regias offered him food and shelter in her above-water hive in Deep City territory, over the ocean. Grateful to be alive and fed, Cheval agreed, and gained a taste for fish. While there, Regias convinced him that he owed her for the help-- he would be dead if she hadn't come by, after all. He agreed and stayed in the Deep City with her, dedicating himself to servitude to pay her back. At an older age, they made their (unhealthy) moiraillegiance official and Regias fitted him with gold earrings- made to resemble ear fins and not designed with removal in mind.

Event Two


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.

Event Three


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.

Event Four


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.

Event Two


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.

Event Two


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.

Event Two


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.

Event Two


You can copy and paste this section if you need multiple paragraphs! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Duis ante dolor, eleifend quis ante ut, sollicitudin congue ante. Nunc in molestie elit. Aliquam dignissim placerat orci, eu consectetur nisi vulputate sit amet. Fusce sed risus eget nisl gravida eleifend. Proin eget magna nunc. Duis porta condimentum maximus. Praesent pharetra, nibh sit amet efficitur pellentesque, ex arcu consectetur risus, ut lacinia est arcu id magna.


Fusce eu ultricies ante. Maecenas sagittis diam condimentum urna ultricies congue. Ut sed ornare velit. Maecenas vestibulum enim mi, at iaculis nibh tempus eu. Etiam dictum semper faucibus. Cras imperdiet est porttitor blandit eleifend. Pellentesque aliquam ultrices cursus. Etiam semper gravida est vitae fermentum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc aliquam quis lorem eget vestibulum. Aenean tempus fermentum elit sed accumsan.

Mauris massa nisi, ullamcorper a pharetra in, ullamcorper sit amet metus. Vivamus facilisis velit tellus, at posuere dolor mollis ac. Integer quis pharetra diam, scelerisque pellentesque elit. Maecenas vel rutrum nisi. Donec at rhoncus nulla. Aliquam in turpis ac elit tincidunt eleifend eu elementum erat. Aenean vestibulum tincidunt suscipit. Sed accumsan tellus a tellus eleifend, non dignissim purus volutpat. Nunc ac sem lacus. Fusce ullamcorper nunc et tempor consectetur.


Matesprit She / Her

The ruling "nigh-heiress" of the Deep City (Seadweller's secret city). Cheval fiercely protects her and is the definition of loyalty- acting as an actual knight in the process. He met her when she first entered the territory after sweeps of hiding out alone. He taught her the secret language used by the seadwellers, and uses the hand-sign version with her often. He lives part-time at her hive, and sometimes accompanies her to the Deep city as one of the new council members.





Moirail He / Him

Despite his reputation for "getting around", Sarlen managed to hit a soft spot in Cheval's bloodpusher. Deep down, Cheval wants nothing more than to help and protect people, and fortunately (or unfortunately), Sarlen needs both of those things. This trainwreck of a jadeblood is constantly threatening to give Cheval grey (or indigo?) hairs, but the relationship goes both ways, and he might still be alone in his hive if it weren't for his moirail.





Kismesis She / Her

If you ask Cheval, the streamer catgirl in his life is a perfect example of worthless living. Which, to be fair, makes her a perfect kismesis. He doesn't understand her troll twitch lingo and he doesn't want to. He can't imagine anything worse than being constantly filmed for thousands of strangers, all live. Despite his defenses and general seclusion, she often manages to break into his hive and make herself at home...though she eventually learned to stay away from his basement. In return, Cheval is a naturally perfect kismesis, his dry sarcasm and scathing honesty working well against troll Belle Delphine.





Lusus Hellsteed HE/HIM

Cheval's lusus that accompanied him after his hatching once upon a time. Though they were together for most of his early adolescence, soon after reaching the surface, Jacques lost track of his charge. Cheval found his lusus again later in life, though much older and with a new snare scar over his throat. Jacques is a good father, and often worries about his son's social life. Every so often, he'll directly interfere to try and help him be more extroverted. Every half sweep on Cheval's Wriggling day, he gets him a cake.




