AMFMcChibi [Real Name Unknown]



1 year, 28 days ago

Basic Info

Real Name

Unknown (For now...)



Gender, Pronouns

Woman, she/her


Anime, Nostalgic Movies, Video Games, Flash Cartoons/Games, Fruit Salad


Her previous school life, getting dragged into internet drama, scalloped potatoes


(For the sake of the profile and my sanity, we'll refer to AMFMcChibi as "AMF")

AMF was once a popular YouTuber back in the olden years who has interest in cartoons, video games, and especially anime. Her channel used to revolve around reviewing alot of anime in her own way.


AMF is rather spontaneous and can be quite the goblin at points. She really knows how to put on a show. That said, in some cases, she can be rather blunt about her views on certain shows. (Like how she finds TDO Gamers, a very devicive anime that has split the anime community apart back in her day, to be rather mid.)

While she can be rather opinionated at points (especially back in the day), AMF does mean well and wants to have fun with what she does. She has certainly have became more humble in recent years.


AMF initially was under a different username "AbsoluteSMAZFan"

With her time on YouTube as AbsoluteSMAZFan, It seems that things were on the high for AMF but not before she got into some trouble. Because she was trying to be a part of a toxic community that involves ranting about things that don't really matter in today's climate, AMF previously gotten herself into some dramas. There were moments when she tried to get herself out of it but is constently getting dragged back in. But luckily, that didn't seem to last long as folks doing worse than what AMF was doing were starting to make rains and those dragging her down left her alone.

This was when she left the toxic community and started to mellow out. Even when the AbsoluteSMAZFan got terminated due to copyright and was a bit annoyed about that, AMF feels that she can't get too upset about it, as she sort of half expected it. (In hindsight: it's probably for the better/)

AMF's style of videos (at least when it comes to her reviews) is more vlog style with the occasional picture shown for when she is talking about a character. Her show is mainly her giving a first reaction to an episode of an anime and then her final thoughts once she finished with the anime in question.

Inspired by the people she watched, AMF also added plotlines to her videos, with Jin Spacy as her assistant (both as the one bringing the counterpoints.. as well as being the snarky one in her videos). AMF once had a plotline where an anime character she hates was basically her rival. However, doing that plotline gave her a lot of stress and just end up rebooting everything.

Outside of YouTube, AMF is currently living at home with her mother as she is currently unsure of what she might do for the future.


  • The inspiration for AMF is my friend, KHFMcAwesome, was once popular back in his day.