


1 year, 27 days ago


Raptorik Rogue (1).

Altair had lived happily with his parents and flock since the day he hatched, eagerly learning whatever things that he could learn from them. He was curious and happy-go-lucky, though he can be shy.

That is, until the day the dragons attacked. He clung onto his parents, not wanting to leave them. But they insisted, hiding him in a basket and calmly telling him to stay inside until they return. As he stayed inside the basket, peeking through a hole, his parents and the whole flock were murdered in front of him. The dragons left after the whole flock were killed.

He emerged from the basket after believing he was safe. Not believing that his parents were dead, he shook his parents while he called them, crying. He had also called out for his flock, but all he could hear is silence.

He took some necessities from his now dead flock and left, refusing to interact with anyone. For many years he was alone. Sadness turned into anger. Anger turned into hate. His hatred of dragonkind grew from his days of isolation and he swore to himself that he would kill the dragons that murdered his flock and parents for revenge, even though he had a fear of them after the incident.

He had decided to come out of isolation after many years, though he is still shy. He will only talk when he has something to add, though he can open up and talk when he has to.

He will never betray those that he trust.