Random Designs UFO's Comments

Hey I was wondering if this design is still open? :o https://toyhou.se/21496697.random-designs-ufo#78427062

unfortunately they're on hold! If anything happens I'd be happy to let you know!

Thank you for the response <3lmk if anything changes!

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Thank u I also love mr whale a lot mr whale rocks so hard 

RAAAAHHHHH id love to offer two fulls or a couple piece for this guy!!! 

can also throw in anyone from any of these folders :-)

no one im interested in character wise, but I'd love to take you up on the two fulls if you're still interested!

100%!!! dm me who & what you were thinkin :-)

I'll send a dm your way if you're still interested! :-D

I definitely am!!!

in love with them both <3 good little thangs, I hope they go to good homes


whale specifically caters to my interests so lalala