The Companion



1 year, 4 months ago


"Left alone in a ruthless world, with no significant abilities other than the will to live and wisdom from those before, the journey you'll embark will lead you to find your place in the world."

Also known as Increasing Entropy. Slugpup, barely old enough to be capable of surviving on their own without their parents care, assigned companion for the lonely Iterator, Central Dogma of Life, and also named by them.

---------------------- The Companion used to be part of a Slugcat colony alongside their mother. Unfortunately, for both of them, during a migration, the pair ended up getting separated from the group after a vulture attack. The pair roamed on their own until their travel made them stumble upon an ethereal, hard to comprehend at first, being, that unlike many creatures, wasn't hostile to the pair of slugcats. After waking right back up as if their past cycle was just a mere dream, their journey continued until it eventually led them to a chamber, where a god themself, or so they claimed, resided.

After being gifted the mark of communication, the slugcats were led to the depths, where on their at their time, mindless journey, they stumbled once again with an echo, whom unlike last time, spoke to them about their life and mistakes. Touched by the Echo's word, The Companion's parent continued the journey with their pup, where they met along the way many others stuck within the endless cycle and transcendence, until eventually reaching the depths.

Faced by the guardians, the Slugcats tried to continue forward but at first they were sent back to where they came from. Refusing to be denied entry, and understanding what they had to do, The parent let go of their pup's hand and continued, leaving the pup alone, as any attempt from their part of following their parent, were met with aggression from the guardians, that sent them flying.

Alone now, The Companion traveled on their own until eventually reaching the can of the lonely Iterator, Central Dogma of Life, whom takes an immediate liking into the Slugcat, and gives them their title and Proper name, Increasing Entropy.