Jin Erik



6 years, 1 month ago



"I want to be more than just 'Jin Erik'. "

Jin is a little robot boy created in, what is now, an abandoned facility where they were trying to create advanced and life like AI. Jin was almost left incomplete, if it wasn’t for the main computer reactivating and setting out to finish the task it had been last programmed to follow. It took time, an a lot of testing to make sure he was ready, and in the end Jin was finally able to begin learning and developing more as a free thinking individual and not just a bot in a lab.

He read books, surfed the web, asked questions, and began to wonder more and more about what else he could do since he was active and learning more and more each day. There was so little he could accomplish in the lab and it wasn’t fair to have to stay in there when he began to feel he could learn and do so much more if he just went out to experience it as people do.

He grew an admiration for people, how they thought, acted, felt, and the determination to keep on going even when the odds were stacked against them. Jin wanted to be like that, he just had to find where to start. He spent months looking into what he should do, where he should go, why, and it was a difficult task to handle alone. Although there were other intelligent machines in the lab, none went beyond their programmed purpose. They didn’t have any drive to do something more or learn beyond their given task; Jin was a machine created to be capable of more and now he was on his own to finding his true purpose in activation.

He looked into all sorts of positions he could possibly be useful in, jobs he could take and give himself something to do, but he wasn't sure where to even start with that. He eventually came across education fields and as he read more into it, he discovered that it might help him more to become a student and to learn from people in a place where everyone was just finding there way. That’s when he signed up to join the next school term in spring. He was eager to join in and, while it took some convincing to allow a robot into their school, he managed to persuade his way in and excitedly prepared himself for his first day of High school.

【 Name 】 Jin Erik 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 Active for 4 yrs. 【 Mental Age 】 Teenager
【 D.o.B. 】 April 2nd 【 Race 】 Robot
【 Role 】 Student 【 Music 】 Daft Punk - Something About Us

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Attendance 】
【 Strength 】
【 Understadning of Human Norms 】

Fun Facts about Jin Erik

  • Jin lives in a small town called Chester Creak and goes to Chester Creak High.
  • Being a robot, he is great with numbers and so he has an easy time in math and science courses.
  • He loves history! Learning about how and why humans make the choices they do fascinates him.
  • His worst subject is Liturature, not because of a lack of interest in grammar or reading, rather he just cannot understand poety no matter how much he tries. Metaphors just completely elude him.
  • Jin has a weakness for cute things.
  • He has a pixel heart sticker slightly to the left on his chest. He made it himself when he started wanting to become more human.
  • Jin gets a pet chicken after a science experiment. Chet helps name him, Blitz.
  • Jin can get tired and needs to recharge/sleep like anyone else.
  • Jin sometimes worries he isn't good enough for his partner, Chet, whom he's become attached to since they started becoming friends.
  • Jin is just a character made for fun. He was created during a game session along with my friends boy, Chet. They are completely silly and nonsense characters and they live in a wacky world.
  • As well Jin and Chet have been thrown into all sorts of AU's and other such stories for the heck of it, so you may see art or other character sheets based on those at some point!

Chet Chettington

[ relationship ] More coming soon!



[ relationship ] More coming soon!



[ relationship ] More coming soon!
