


8 years, 5 months ago



Valentine "Val"

AGE/BIRTHDAY 22-23 / 14th Feb




SPECIES Nimnaan Dog



Jack McBrayer (audio clip TBA)


THIS PROFILE IS A WIP! There may be some missing info here and there

Valentine is best described as a really cheery and upbeat guy who is simultaneously the biggest worrywart you'll ever meet. When he steps in the room, he always keeps the energy high and fun, either intentionally or not - he just radiates charisma in every form, especially in the goofiness sector. He loves to crack jokes and shoot off horrible puns whenever he can, and combined with the fact that he’s not too knowledgable on things like basic maths, he does usually end up making a fool out of himself, but it’s always in an endearing and lovable way; sometimes people end up laughing *at* him instead of *with* him, but he doesn’t let this get to his head, and he’ll play along anyway.

Val is insanely extroverted and will do anything in his power to befriend any person he has to spend more than a few minutes with; most people agree he's a joy to talk to, but of course there are those who can't stand his high energy and will write him off as annoying and persistent. If he senses the person he's talking to isn't enjoying his presence, he'll often take the hint and back off, but if he's in a really good mood then it unfortunately turns into everyone's problem, and he won't back down and will keep trying. He's also a bit of a flirt sometimes and is no stranger to the occasional dirty thought, but he's surprisingly not used to having his advances returned, and will turn into a blushing mess when flirted back with.

Valentine has a soft spot for children and sincerely wishes he could adopt every child that is lacking a proper parental figure (this desire stems from his own poor upbringing), and what kids he *has* adopted, he wants to set a good example for them and to take care of them as best as he can. Val is sometimes written off as a bit of a goody-two-shoes and a stickler for rules, but in reality this is to overcompensate for the rebellious streak in his earlier years; he doesn’t want to be seen as a bad influence, especially to his kids, so he is constantly surpressing his rebellious side, but the right (or wrong?) company could potentially bring it back out…

Val has taken on the leader role of his little group and takes his responsibility very seriously, but he definitely puts *too* much pressure on himself to do everything and the stress of it all gets to him sometimes. This anxiety comes out when something goes wrong under his leadership, and he’s prone to freaking out and making a scene when that happens. Despite being open to hear out others about their worries, he tends to be secretive and dismissive about his own issues - he doesn't want others to worry, that's his job! So he just downs a coffee and chugs on forward. Val tries to keep a level head in stressful situations, but he can even lose sleep over worrying too much, especially if someone from his family is going through something. He just cares about the people around him immensely, so much so that he forgets to take care of his own troubles. The only real way he vents is through his guitar, where he can express his feelings through song without others catching on to the music's true meaning. There are clearly some things gnawing at him on the inside at all times, but he never wants to bring them up. Let's just say he has a few skeletons in his closet…



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


  • Right-handed, can write with his left a bit too.
  • Naturally musically inclined, sings and hums to himself often.
  • Favourite coffee is Americano.
  • Resorts to finger guns a lot.
  • Loves tiramisu.


  • blue and pink
  • coffee
  • guitars + guitar strings
  • drowning
  • tba
  • Pinterest Board

"Insert a quote here."