


1 year, 1 month ago



Species feral cat
Age 15 moons
Gender male
Pronouns he/they
Clan Meadowclan
Rank tunneler

Hi, hello! My name is Fleaheart and I'm a tunneler from Meadowclan!

𝔉leaheart is quite... silly. Actually, to be honest, Fleaheart is an airhead who rarely shows thoughts or anything else intelligent behind his eyes.

His memory is bad, and his survival skills aren't really anything to write home about either. At least he's very friendly and easily approachable, and usually likes every cat that he meets. Family is especially important to Fleaheart, and he spends a lot of time with his father and sister.

Chatting with Fleaheart rarely leads as far as one would like. He easily forgets what he was going to say or what happened a moment ago, repeats things he has said, or stops answering completely all of a sudden. Fleaheart also uses a lot of silly words and phrases, some of which are real and some he made up on the spot. On top of that, you'll either get too much eye contact or you won't get it at all, his eyes seem to stare into nothingness or wander in completely different directions.

𝔅orn as an only child to his mother Blackberry and father Snowfield. His mother thought the newborn kitten was as small as a flea, and since they couldn't think of any better names, they named him Fleakit.

Later his mother died in a tragic, yet incredibly stupid and unlucky accident. His father remarried and had two little daughters - Myosotiskit and Lilykit - half-sisters for Fleapaw. These two girls are his pride and joy.

Unfortunately, faith can be a cruel mistress. Greencough struck Meadowclan, infecting him and many others. He was very sick for a long time but ultimately survived, though others were less lucky. Alongside many others, Myosotiskit lost her life. This deeply affected Fleapaw, taking him into dark places he had never before been. With time the grief got a tiny bit easier, and Fleapaw clung even tighter onto his remaining sister Lilypaw, who had decided to become a medicine cat apprentice.

When Fleapaw finally got better, he was given his warrior name - Fleaheart. He was named after his empathetic soul, as he bravely turned down all herbs so they could instead be given to other sick cats.

Design notes

  • After roughhousing a little too roughly, Fleaheart lost a few of his adult teeth. His tongue usually hangs out of his mouth, and he often drools while eating or sleeping.
  • Very sleek and shiny fur. No fleas, despite the name.
  • Paws are strong and wide, excellent for digging. Clumsy for running.

Fun facts

  • Accident prone - because of that, he has a surprisingly high pain threshold.
  • Can move very quietly. Often disappears without anyone noticing.
  • Loves hanging out in the underground tunnels.


Half-sister • Highly positive feelings

Deeply loved little sister. Fleaheart is very proud of all of Lilypaw's achievements - and thinks her sister is the smartest, greatest, and most beautiful medicine cat in the entire world.



Half-sister • Highly positive feelings

Deeply loved and dearly missed little sister. Fleaheart often looks for Myosotiskit in the starry night sky or from the stars he sometimes sees in his dreams.



Relationship • Feelings

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Father • Highly positive feelings

These two share a tight father-son bond. Even though Snowfield spends most of his waking time being worried about Fleaheart's whereabouts, and whether or not his son might be in trouble again.



Mother • Highly positive feelings

Fleaheart was very young when his mother died, and thus he barely remembers her. All he remembers is a funny laugh and black fur.



Step-mother • Positive feelings

Fleaheart was always way too enamored by his sisters to build a proper, deep relationship with Bearheart. He always thought of Bearheart as a kind and loving cat and wishes her life hadn't been cut so short.