Varo Chakovo



1 year, 9 days ago


baby i

"I'm not to be pitied. Try, and I'll kill you."

name: Varo Chakovo
nickname: Goldie, V, Elf, C-3PO
age: 22 (GotG1), 23 (GotG2), 27 (IW+EG), 29 (GotG CS) 30 (GotG3) 30
gender: Male (he/him)
race: Sovereign
orientation: Queer
relationship status: single?
occupation: Guardian of the Galaxy

Stolen from the Sovereign when still in his Pod, these thieves simply wanted to see what would happen if they mess with the pod. Once he emerged, they sent him off to a group of scientists who then conducted experiments on him to create a... weapon.

He escaped from these scientists with his new found powers, and now is on the run...


Varo is extremely caring to others, yet is also very reserved. He puts others way before himself and tries to help those in need, even if what he's doing is illegal (like stealing). He's strong and confident, and doesn't take shit from anyone but knows when to be humble.

Years of being shunned, outcasted and disgraced by everyone and his own kind, he's grown thick skin from such name calling and judgement and gets rather angry if someone tries to stick up for his honour. He feels as though they pity him for his physical differences from his race.







  • His friends
  • Music
  • Helping others
  • People pitying him
  • His appearance (most times)
  • Seeing people hurt

  • His prosthetic leg was made by him, and frequently aches because of his handy work. His real leg was removed by the scientists for reasons unknown.
  • His implants help him control his powers as well as give him his powers.
  • His gun was inspired by the Sunshot from Destiny.
  • His scaring often ache as well as the area around the implants over his back and on his head. He's grown used to the pain that haunts him daily, but some days it becomes unbearable. 
Design Notes

  • Hair is dyed brown during first two movies but he grows out his natural hair by the Christmas special and third movie (keeps eyebrows dyed)
  • two conch piercings in right ear, one conch in left and a gauge in left lobe
  • Prosthetic leg is upgraded as a gift during the Christmas special.

His gun is powered by his abilities. He forms plasma bullets from his powers by cupping his hand over the orb on his gun.

His vitiligo, pointed ears, freckled skin and sharp canines are mutations formed by the thieves messing around with his pod.



A group of thieves who worked for an underground group of scientists, managed to break into the Sovereign city and steal a birthing pod. The scientists told that they could do anything to the pod, as long as they made sure the being inside stayed alive. And that is what they did. They played with the pod, causing the being inside to change rapidly and emerge as something different.

When he emerged, the scientists were quick to begin their work, playing around with his brain, implanting devices into his body to see what would happen, before trying to see if they could grant him powers. When allowing him to test his abilities, he killed them all, allowing him to escape. He took the name Varo Chakovo, the name of one of the scientists who showed him pity and took care of him after any surgeries.

He would travel back to his home planet to try and find his family, but would be shunned by his species, saying that he did not fit their perfect image and was to leave immediately.

Heartbroken by the rejection, he would escape to Xandar next, where he'd go on to steal from richer folks and give to the poor, hating to see others in a low position like he was once in. Yet one day, Varo stole from the wrong person, causing him to quickly be arrested and put in jail.

GotG Vol.1

Varo would meet Drax in prison, and would become good friends with the Destroyer. Then in a couple months he'd meet Peter Quill, Rocket, Groot and Gamora. He would help Quill save Gamora from Drax, convincing him that it wasn't worth it.

The next day, Rocket would devise a plan to escape, requesting Quill to retrieve a guy's prosthetic leg. Peter approached him, asking for the prosthetic, but Varo knew his game and offered his own instead, but on one condition. If he wanted the leg, he had to take Varo as well. Quill accepted reluctantly, and Varo escaped with the group along with Drax.

They escaped to Knowhere, where Gamora was going to sell off this weird orb that Quill and Gamora had previously fought over to the Collector. They had discussed splitting the price, but Varo refused, merely happy to finally be out of jail. Sadly though, the selling would go wrong when the Collector's servant grabbed a hold of the Infinity Stone that sat inside the orb. Whilst this was going on, Drax had leaked the groups location to Kree warrior, Ronan. Varo hid majority of the fight, trying to protect and get civilians away from the scene. when Ronan left, Rocket, Groot and Drax all planned to go rescue Quill and Gamora, who had been taken by Yondu.

The plan didn't really go as planned as Peter had sorted it out with Yondu and they all devised a plan to take down Ronan and get back the Infinity Stone, which Ronan's soldiers had managed to get a hold of during the battle.

Varo tagged along with the group infiltrating the ship, taking down as many soldiers as he could with the help of his abilities and trusty gun. The ship was shot down however, and Groot sacrificed himself to save his friends, encasing them in a sturdy cage made from himself.

When they all came too from the crash, Peter managed to distract Ronan for long enough for Drax to destroy Ronan's giant hammer that held the stone. Peter took it in his hands, the group holding onto him to disperse the energy, but in the end, they all managed to hold onto it and use the stone to kill Ronan.

With Ronan the Accuser gone, the Nova Corp, who had originally all taken them into custody, wiped their records clean and gifted them a new ship in exchange for their help. They also discovered that Peter was only half human, his other half apart of an ancient species who was strong enough to wield an Infinity Stone.

With the Guardians of the Galaxy now formed, they travelled off to go help more people in need.

GotG Vol. 2

The group now stood on Sovereign home ground, 2 months after the battle of Xandar. The group were hired by the high priestess, Ayesha, to protect valuable batteries from a creature called the Abilisk. Varo was extremely reluctant to help the Sovereign, considering how they treated him when he needed them the most.

When they took down the Abilisk, they made their way to meet with Ayesha where Peter cleared everything up whilst also flirting with her. She then directed her attention to Varo, telling him he is rather efficient for a runt such as himself. Rocket retaliated, mocking her back before being dragged away once they received their payment: Nebula, Gamora's sister.

They have a moment of peace, Varo a little ticked off at Rocket for standing up for him against Ayesha, moping around the ship. But the silence was ruined by a Sovereign fleet tailing them, trying to shoot them down. They're confused for a moment until Drax outs Rocket for stealing some of the batteries. Varo was now very pissed at his friend.

Before they got shot down, the fleet was single-handedly taken out by a mysterious man flying past them all. They crash land on a forested planet, where they all argue before this mystery man landed his ship in front of them all, introducing himself as Peter's father. Ego was his name. He reveals that he is a Celestial and wishes to take his son and his friends to his planet, which is also an extension of himself. Varo left to go for a walk, not in the mood for family drama at this moment.

That night on the planet, he heard shouting and gunfire, so he ran back to the ship to check, but ran into Ravagers, lead by Yondu, however, they had turned on their leader, taking him as a prisoner as well as Rocket and baby Groot. 

Nebula had left with a ship the Ravagers supplied for her whilst everyone was kept in a prison, waiting to be handed over for their bounties. Yondu managed to get Groot to find a new fin for him with the help of Kraglin whilst Rocket managed to get Varo to stop moping. They escaped, going to find Ego and save Peter as Yondu revealed that Ego was going to hurt Peter. 

They make it, managing to help Peter and escape, but not before being pulled down into the planet by Ego. The group devise a plan to go into the planet's core and put a bomb made of the Sovereign batteries and destroy both Ego and the planet. Groot would be the one to do it (Despite everyone's disagreement) whilst Mantis tries to keep him asleep for as long as possible.

The Sovereign soon find the group, attacking them. Varo, awakening something stronger within him, managed to hold back the fleet for as long as possible before they all had to escape. Varo managed to get onto the ship with everyone, before realising that Yondu and Peter were not there. 

Peter soon managed to get aboard, however, Yondu had died, sacrificing himself to save Peter. They have a funeral for the Ravager, all the other Ravager clans joining in in honour of Yondu. Varo sits with Rocket, both of them consoling each other and Varo apologising for lashing out at him.

Infinity War - Endgame

The group had answered a distress signal from somewhere in space and had flew off to answer the call. When they arrived however, all they found was the remains of a destroyed ship. They then (very literally) run into Thor and bring him on board. When he awakens, he explains that Thanos had attacked them, killing everyone but him. 

Thor said that he needed a new hammer, having lost his old one. Rocket agreed to go with him with their spare smaller ship, bringing a now teen Groot along. Varo, having been fed up with Peter and Thor's "who's dick is bigger?" arguing, decides to go with Rocket and Groot, while the others go to Knowhere to find the Reality Stone.

They go to a forge surrounded by a dying star known as Nidavellir. They find one of the Dwarves there named Eitri, but he had his hands encased in metal, being unable to operate the forge. Thor said he'd help, and Rocket agreed to help too. Varo stayed with Groot and Eitri, helping the dwarf operate the forge as best he could. 

Groot used one of his arms to make the handle on the axe, and with his new found weapon, Thor wielded Stormbreaker to bring them to Earth to join in on the battle on Wakanda. Varo helped the other Avengers battle against Thanos's army, meeting some of the members briefly. 

Thanos soon arrived on Earth, but Varo was with Groot and Rocket, trying to keep more of the army at bay. That was until the fighting stopped. Varo watched as Groot began turning to dust. He then felt wrong. He approached Rocket, falling to his knees, trying to keep himself together with his powers. But Rocket said to not strain himself, and Varo was dusted away...

He awoke, being told that the Avengers needed help by the wizard known as Doctor Strange. He followed Groot and the army of Wakanda through a portal, ready to engage in one last fight against Thanos.

He reunited with his friends, battling against the Mad Titan's army. But soon, the fighting came to an end, Iron Man having snapped the army and Thanos from existence, sacrificing himself. 

Varo would attend Iron Man's funeral with the rest of the Guardians before leaving Earth along with Thor.

GotG - Christmas Special

Listening in on the story on how Yondu ruined Christmas for Peter, and Varo simply scoffed, thinking Yondu didn't have the heart to ruin a child's favourite holiday. When the group dispersed, he overheard Mantis and Drax forming a plan to give Peter the best Christmas gift ever! Kevin... Bacon... Varo was about to tell them that that was not a good idea, but they'd already scampered off.

He waited nervously for their arrival, and when they did return, he now nervously waited for Peter's reaction to his "gift". And not surprising at all, he was angry, claiming that what the two did was technically human trafficking. After clearing some things up, Kevin agreed to stay back a couple more minutes to really show Knowhere what Christmas was like.

Varo gifted his friends personally made art pieces. They were little portraits of them. And Rocket gave him his favourite gift out of all the ones he received: a new prosthetic leg. 

GotG Vol. 3

It was a normal day, the group helping clean up from Christmas as well as continuing to set up Knowhere to be more suitable. Varo was painting a mural of the Guardians, having almost finished the large painting. 

That night, Varo turned in, ready for a peaceful rest, but that was until he heard loud crashes and shouting coming from Rocket's place. He got up, seeing a Sovereign man trying to take Rocket away. Varo sprung into action, trying to evacuate as many people to safer areas around Knowhere.

He has a brief run in with Adam, the Warlock being confused by Varo's appearance to begin with. Varo strained against Adam's energy blasts, fainting before he could stop the Sovereign. When he came too, he finds Drax beaten up, Groot destroyed with only his head remaining, Adam gone and Rocket in critical condition.

They leave to the ship and put Rocket on life support. They discover a kill switch in Rocket's body and find out where to find a deactivation code for it. The group agree to infiltrate a place called Orgo Corp: where they believe the deactivation code will be. 


Rocket Racoon Best Friend

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Adam Warlock Friend/Crush

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.