Marie Holloway



1 year, 21 days ago


❗️❗️ no longer in use ❗️❗️

NAME: Marie Holloway

AGE: 12


HEIGHT: 4’8 (malnourished throughout childhood)


- able to send people to a “quiet space” as she calls it. It appears to be a vast forest, stretching indefinitely without any life.

-skilled in breaking-and-entering

-quick runner, very maneuverable

-incredible immune system (ate so much dirt as a child) 

QUALIFICATIONS: ~5th grade education. 

CHARACTER HISTORY: her mother was a war bride, her father was in the American navy. She lived with her mother in England until the age of 2, when she was sent away to a girls home in the states after her mothers death following a nasty bout of the flu. She was treated awfully in the home, often running away into the vast woods that surrounded the institution and spending days looking for just anything to bring her hope. Eventually the home reasoned she was more trouble then she was worth, and was sent back to England at the age of 11 under the false assumption that her mother was still alive after a mix up in the system. This left her with only the clothes on her back, standing on a dock in a country that dident want her with no where to go. And that’s how she lived, sleeping in alleys or breaking into abandoned homes  and living day by day without progress, wishing desperately to go back to the stretching forests of her youth, her only place of peace.



Theodore Ader - uncle figure (relationship strained due to his relations w/ Alan Richter)

Maddie Reuben - uncle figure

Daniel Hall - (semi absent) father figure.

web weaver - semi-uncle figure

Alan Richter - intense hatred/fear following the first and second burning incident.
