Dr. Estelle Havener, Sc.D



1 year, 11 minutes ago


Dr. Estelle 'Essie' Asterius Ruby Havener, Sc.D - Non-binary Woman (she/xe/gear)
info - about
Nickname(s) Essie the Scientist
Race/species Black American, Human
Age 29
Birthday November 27th
Orientation Aroace Pan, T4T
Height 6' 1"
Occupation Children's TV Edutainment Host
Likes Robot fighting, theatrical puppetry, sour foods
Dislikes Eating with people, high fantasy books, heavy rain

Estelle's best known as presenter and director of Essie Explains, a three-season children's edutainment show owned by Buncat Entertainment with a fourth season currently in production. The show is deeply popular with 4-8 year olds, its target demographic, but also has a dedicated fanbase of older teens and adults, due to her thorough and engaging explanations of often-complex topics. Her episodes have a large fanbase on Watchy, where they are reuploaded after each season airs, along with cut content and outtakes. She also has a small fanbase, separate from the Essie Explains umbrella, for her win on Robokill Fighters, a prominent robot fighting show, with her bot Kill Nye.

However, her intelligence outside of the show is often questioned. She has a Doctor of Science doctorate from MIT in mechanical engineering, with her paper on modernising the design and manufacture of prosthetics being well-renowned in the field. There are rumours, however, that this doctorate is a cover story - or, more often, a form of nepotism, as Estelle is also the child of Eloise and Selene Havener, who are respectively renowned solar energy and commercial spaceflight engineers. The authenticity of her scripts as her own work has often been called into question.

second reality - purple motion
docx - story

Have a lot of info? this section will expand

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in luctus tortor. Donec suscipit, massa eget gravida molestie, odio nulla laoreet sapien, at efficitur leo eros sit amet est. Mauris a hendrerit tortor. Pellentesque lobortis consequat felis ac facilisis. Suspendisse auctor ac lorem at molestie. In sit amet dui efficitur, consequat ante vel, iaculis ipsum. Cras in posuere arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Curabitur id metus libero. Nunc vehicula nisl diam, et rutrum ante vestibulum a. Etiam lacinia blandit nisl, eget aliquet dolor hendrerit vel. Phasellus metus enim, eleifend et lacus non, feugiat sollicitudin eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed lobortis tristique tortor, et malesuada magna tristique at. Nunc orci ex, varius ac semper at, sollicitudin eget diam. Vestibulum sed nunc velit. Phasellus scelerisque ut nisl sit amet ultricies. In vitae sollicitudin magna, nec feugiat est. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer congue risus tellus, et varius mi molestie vitae. Ut porta neque velit, eu ultricies tortor pretium et.

Info - trivia

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

gallery - aesthetic
Gallery - design
Design trait Text
Design trait Text
Design trait Text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

contacts - relationships
Eloise Havener Mother

Estelle’s mom, and a forthcoming figure in the field of alternate/solar energy. She comes from New Orleans, and stepped back from her career and became a consultant in her thirties, to settle down and raise a child. She’s energetic, excitable, and incredibly supportive of her child. She has no other family aside from Selene’s family and her wife/child.

Selene Havener Mother

Estelle’s mama, and a forthcoming figure in the field of commercial spacecraft engineering. She comes from Massachusetts, and stepped back from her career and became a consultant in her thirties, to settle down and raise a child. She’s calm, refined, and incredibly supportive of her child. She has a notable extended family.

Osupa Abioye Grandmother

Estelle’s grandmother, a wise but often stubborn old woman with very strict morals. She doesn’t get along well with Estelle, as they’re both very stubborn but with very different outlooks on life - Estelle bases respect mostly on intelligence, while Osupa works primarily from age. Estelle had regular arguments with her when the two of them lived together.

Cynthia Lucero Aunt

Estelle’s aunt, on her mother Selene’s side. Cynthia doesn’t think very highly of Estelle, seeing her as pretentious and abrasive, and looks down on her sister’s way of parenting her child. She’s a major part of why Estelle obscures her own intelligence around others, in an attempt to make her aunt less critical towards her.

Altair Lucero Uncle

Estelle’s uncle by marriage, on her mother Selene’s side. He’s less openly critical towards Estelle than his wife, but he has the same issues with how Estelle has been raised, and how that shaped her personality growing up. He’s part of the reason Estelle obscures her own intelligence around others, in an attempt to make him less critical towards her.

Cassiopeia 'Cassie' Lucero Cousin

Estelle’s cousin, on her mother Selene’s side, and Ceph’s twin. A confident and rough-and-tumble woman, with a love for the natural world and especially gardening. She doesn’t share any interests with Estelle, and is already very close to Ceph, so she and Estelle aren’t very close.

Cepheus 'Ceph' Lucero Cousin

Estelle’s cousin, on her mother Selene’s side, and Cassie’s twin. A wistful and delicate young man, deeply spiritual, with a passion for fortune telling and all things fantastical. He doesn’t share any interests with Estelle, and is already very close to Cassie, so he and Estelle aren’t very close.

Tania 'Throckmorton' Lucero Cousin

Estelle’s cousin, on her mother Selene’s side, and the youngest of Cynthia’s kids. A friendly, social boygirl who loves skating, her friend group and vintage emo clothing. A real goofy silly, whose nickname was mainly given as a joke. He isn’t too close to Estelle, preferring to spend his time with his own friends. Besides, she thinks Estelle’s a little weird.

Buncat Entertainment
Kichirō Ramsey Executive Producer

One of Estelle’s executive producers on Essie Explains, inheriting Buncat Entertainment from their father along with their brother. Estelle and Kichirō are relatively close during the production process, as Kichirō has a shared interest in robotics and child entertainment with her, so they get along well in meetings. Estelle wants to consider them a friend, but their relationship is more professional than platonic.

Katsurō Ramsey Executive Producer

One of Estelle’s executive producers on Essie Explains, inheriting Buncat Entertainment from his father along with his sibling. Estelle makes Buncat a lot of money, and thus Katsurō is pretty fond of her, especially as she funds her own show. Even with her taking a small cut, Katsurō has a lot of faith in her to bring in money, and Estelle is allowed a lot of freedom with her show because of that trust.

Eike Stroman Classmate

The closest thing Estelle has ever had to a friend, one of her classmates from MIT. The two were robotics rivals, and Estelle and Eike both gave each other complex critiques on their robotics work, with Eike assisting on her prosthesis development work. He won Season 2 of Drones: In The Zone, in the same year that Estelle won RoboKill Fighters. She works in drone ambulance development now, and the two keep relative contact in between their busy lives.

Reynard Scott Chemistry Teacher (Retired)

Estelle’s tenth grade chemistry teacher, and a rather incompetent one at that. A dispassionate scientist and a dismissive teacher, Mr. Scott had been teaching for twenty years before teaching Estelle, and part of her had assumed that he had simply lost his sparkle over time, but she no longer affords him such a luxury. After his dismissal of her caused the explosion that permanently disabled Estelle, he lost his teaching licence and was charged with criminal negligence. Estelle hopes that he spends the rest of his life feeling guilt for what he did.

Professor Gallagher Catesby Engineering Professor

A professor at MIT, who led Estelle’s education for her years at the university. He’s a bit of a crazy old man, at this stage in his life - he was a renowned face in the development of more recent drone technology, but he’s primarily retired from developing new technology, instead teaching a new generation of roboticists. He’s still passionate about drones, making them in his spare time to fight in the university’s robot fighting games (his favourite is his flamethrower drone, Doctor Airstrike). Estelle looks up to him a lot, both as a teacher and challenger.

HTML by Jade-Everstone // background - Zeta Ophiuchi, NASA