I can offer art for Lunaeros Myo Ticket. Art examples in the link.


Thank you for the offer but I will have to pass
Most of my characters are humanoid ><

hi! I can do art for either dreadanut slot, or a foxtopi slot maybe!!! Here are my art examples! https://toyhou.se/mochiirelle/art

And here is my th incase my style isn't what you'd like! These folders have my most hq characters! https://toyhou.se/mochiirelle/characters/folder:2695742


Thank you for the offer but I will have to pass for now

Hellohello! I can offer art/adoptables for the doreion slot! 

Art examples: https://toyhou.se/21687470.art-and-design-examples 

Adoptables: https://toyhou.se/reybrella/characters/folder:3700949

Would you accept a simple half body scene for the slot? As in a simple background of some kind.

Yes sure! Feel free to pm me here or on discord (I use discord more often than TH, my username is Umbrella#4982!)

I can offer art/custom designs/my own cs custom design or any character linked below if you’re potentially interested for any of the slots! I’m mostly interested in the Clareph and possibly the Watakuma though if that helps pin it down lol

Characters uft: https://toyhou.se/Eschatology/characters/folder:4318752

I love your illustrations!

My tradable clareph and watakuma slots are currently pending
Are you alright with turn-in slots where I turn in your design for you and trade you the character after the cooldown?

Thank you <3 and yes I’m totally okay with that!! I can offer a half body illustration (like the first 5) for equal amount of the slots? If you think that’s fair!

Yes I think that is a fair trade! Could I DM you with the character links?

Yeah feel free to! <3

I forgot to mention in my message but if you'd like to message over another platform or need other specifications feel free to lmk ^^

Hello- Are either of the Dreadnaut slots still available? I'm Interested on doing an art trade for either of them, including an animated half body or headshot for the decay one!

I'm very interested in the animated half body for the decayed slot!

Could I DM you to continue discussion of what characters to draw.

Sure! Would Discord be ok? We could continue there since I saw your ad in the Aequor Server ^^

Yes you can contact me on discord!

Would anything in here interest you:

For the clareph, doreion, and/or poffin slots?

I'm interested in both 01 and 02
I can trade the poffin slot and possibly the clareph

I will have to double check how to go about the clareph transfer since the comment the slot is on is from an ex-mod

I would trade the first character for both slots, but I'd have to pass otherwise - the first one is worth $20 (what I paid for them) and the clareph myo is worth $10, and your poffin slot $7.

If I include a rare doreion slot would you consider trading both?

Yes, I could do both if you also included a rare doreion slot!

I will send the transfer forms now, what is your poffin username?

1 Replies

Hello! I am absolutely willing to do an art trade for either of the Dreadnauts :)) I’m willing to trade whatever you see fit! (Ex: full body flat, sketch, etc)

Thank you for the offer but I will have to pass for now

Ok no worries :)

Hihi!! I have art posted in my art section on my profile!! Can I by any chance have a Myo slot? I don't really mind what one since I have no clue what these are XDD

MYO slots and "make your own" slots for Closed Species aka CS

I recommend looking the species up to see if they interest you before offering ^^
You can find their TH worlds through my profile since I am still in many of them

I liked how the claeprhs looked!!

Is the MYO slot still available..? You haven't responded back hh

I’m so sorry for the delay, I got caught up with other responses and the clareph slots have been claimed. Thank you for your interest and I hope you enjoy exploring these closed species despite my having to pass on this offer

Aweee... Dangit

Are there any of the myo slots available still..?



here are my examples and are you offering custom slots?? just making sure because I'm a bit confused xd

Custom slots? If you mean custom design for the MYO slots listed, I am not.

Thank you for the offer but I will pass.