
6 years, 1 month ago



EthnicityHumming Raptor
Themelink a song


Charisma★ ★ 
Kindness★ ★ ★ ★
Integrity★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Caution★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence★ ★ ★ 


Height4' 2"
HairDark brown


Fluke is rather jumpy Humming Raptor, at any loud or sudden noise and movement he flinches or cowers, its an unusual but learnt behavior, He had a rather traumatic hatchling-hood due to being raised in space rather than being raised on his home-planet. When he had been laid he had a slightly smaller egg due to the large brood of eggs his mother had laid but out of all of them only he survived due to the destruction of said home-planet. About the time he was supposed to hatch was when the planet was destroyed by the Galra so his hatching ended up delayed and due to this he ended up with slight nerve damage causing him to shiver a lot but not all the time and his upbringing only further cemented his behavior due to being slightly neglected as everyone attempted to adjust to living in space and dealing with limited supplies, his poor nutrition and nurturing ended up stunting his growth physically and mentally.

Fluke often deals with his issues by walling himself in and finding solace in himself or things he likes such as tending gardens or caring for the animals on the ship, most are animals that produce foods like dairy or meat, while the other animals are for hunting when they land on a hunting planet to get some fresh meat if the raptors do not feel like hunting the game down themselves. Another issue he often deals with is not having a 'place' within the Flock, or in essence a job to do, the Matriarchs assign jobs but they never got around to giving him one as they were and are busy, although he and a friend are making progress on attempting to get him a job, it mostly seems to be pointing in the direction of him being either an Artisan of sorts, doing animal husbandry and going on hunts or becoming a gardener and tending the ships many gardens for food and enjoyment.

Fluke also has a lot of bad habits which often make their presence known despite his best efforts including his bad stutter and flinching. He also is a bit of a collector and buys trinkets with the money he makes by doing odd jobs with his flock. Another bad habit is living on a nocturnal schedule like the guards who keep watch and pilot the ship during the night which is and is not bad for him because on one claw he socializes but on the other claw he ends up sleep deprived when other raptors wake him up during the day.


  • Milkshakes
  • High places
  • Running
  • His Flock
  • Grooming/Cuddles/Preening


  • Loud noises
  • Sudden movements
  • Being too hot or too cold
  • Slimey things
  • Sweets


  • Makes clicking/cooing noises to communicate with Flock
  • Molts about once every two months
  • Very jumpy and anxious
  • Loves glitter
  • Loves gardening


When drawing him id suggest using these tips:
✔ Include lots of blush, hes very anxious and blushes constantly
✔ He has a lot of freckles, mostly focused around his cheeks and nose
✔ His iridescent patch extends to slightly above his cheek bones
✔ His hands have three fingers+a thumb while his feet only have three toes.
✔ He has a thick upper lip but his bottom lip is thinner.

NSFW in the spoiler

 He has both a Penis and a cloaca, the Cloaca taking care of scat and egg laying while the penis is used for insemination.
 the cloaca pretty much just looks like an anus with a clitoris.
 and this is what his peen looks like

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