
1 year, 29 days ago


Vanellope is reserved, but kind. They are known for their rehabilitation work — wildlife and Glider rehab specifically. She has a permanent resident at her sanctuary, Umberfang, who acts as a sort of grumpy grandfather to the other sanctuary residents. 

When the sanctuary is not at capacity with wildlife needing care, Van also runs a daycare/play date service for other Tamers’ Nuff-Nuffs. Cirrus is her personal companion, and he knows she runs a tidy place, so he often follows her around gathering things into his pouch in an effort to help her out. To Van’s amusement, he often picks up things that are actually supposed to stay in one spot, but they thank him anyway. 

Van is well-versed in glider anatomy, thanks to Umberfang’s patience and cooperation. He was the first that she took in, and one of the most gravely injured that she has ever treated. His torn patagium has mostly healed, but he has a few tears that refused to seal properly. While he can glide, it made him wobbly and unstable, more likely to injure himself while attempting a landing. Van is endlessly grateful that she won him over and he’s decided to stay. He’s not the greatest fan of other gliders or Tamers, but he seems fond of every Nuff-Nuff he meets. He makes up for his inability to glide by clambering gracefully up and along any surface he can, often found lounging on the branches placed throughout the sanctuary as he glares down at the other inhabitants grumpily. 

Vanellope is gentle but unyielding in her care, no matter how stubborn a creature may be about disliking its medicine. Some think them cruel for running the sanctuary in the manner they do, viewing their demeanor as cold, stern, and entirely uncaring. In truth, Van cares a great deal, but it is tiring work and they don’t always have the energy to present a pleasant demeanor. Umberfang seems to prefer their quiet, unsmiling, silent days anyways. Van doesn’t need words and a cheerful grin to tend to the animals in their care; they have calm hands and soft eyes and gentle touches, and for the ones they look after, that is enough.