Lady and Gentleman



6 years, 4 months ago


Lady and her lovely companion, Gentleman!  At long last ;w;

(Gentleman's *the snake* bio is below Lady's)

Worth: $8

Name: "Lady"
Age: 28 yrs
Species: Leopard Taur
Gender : Female
Height: 5"9

(Note: powers are a normal thing in the society they live in but come from tattooing symbols onto the skin that allow them to access these powers)
Abilities: Lady has the ability to go through the minds of those she touches, the longer she is in contact with the person the more she can go through the persons memories and thoughts. It also works if the person she is touching is touching another person, this allows her to also go through their mind but this can give her head aches some time and the memories between the two + people can get jumbled. She often uses Gentleman to secretly read peoples memories by having him touch someone while she's touching him.

General likes :
- Her companion Gentleman
- Learning about others
- Lemon Tea
- Reptiles
- Orphans/Children in general

General dislikes :
- Centaurs (half man half horse)
- Abusive, manipulative people
- Greed
- Getting ripped off
- Being touched

Personality: Lady's general vibe is one of mystery and allure, a quick wink and she'll catch anyone's interest. In reality she's a pretty laid back and goofy person with quick wit at the edge of her tongue. She's grown up learning how to use her power to gain peoples trust and then exploit it for her own gain but she usually only does this to rich people or dumb travelers/tourists. Many have gone into her tent only to be left with an empty wallet. While she may seem very conniving, Lady has a big soft spot for children, specifically orphans or kids who live on the streets. She often sees herself in them as she came from a similar place. She'll often teach the kids a thing or two about pick pocketing and little tricks they can use to survive a little better. In general, once she's familiar with you she's more than willing to show her true nature.

Back Story: TBA

(Summary of story until I can detail it)


Lady was raised in a traveling circus. She was left their as a child and was taken in by the Fortune Teller (she has the lower half of a cheetah but walks on two legs) The Fortune Teller taught her her many ways of fooling unsuspecting circus goers.  The Ring Master (a white show horse stallion centaur) was always very touchy with Lady when the Fortune Teller wasn't around. She quickly took notice and had Lady stay near her at all times. They didn't run away because they had no other place to go and the Fortune Teller worried what may happen to the both of them if they did leave having also spent much of her life here. 

One day the Ring Master got much to close and attempted to trap Lady in his chambers but she was able to escape when the Fortune Teller burst in. She fought against the Ring Master yelling for Lady to run. The last thing Lady saw was her friend and basically adoptive mother get hit with a swift hoof to the head before turning and running as far away from the circus as she could. 

By the time she stopped running she was lost so she stumbled the rest of the way to the town ahead of her. At that point she spent most of her time scavenging, stealing and surviving out on the streets. She used the tricks she picked up from her mentor to scam people to gain some extra money. By the time she was in her twenties she had joined a small caravan group as a fortune teller and this was also where she found her pet and loving companion Gentleman. 

In her late twenties she runs into her current group of friends (at this point the story is all rp related between me and my friends who own the other characters)


 Name: Gentleman
Age: 5 yrs
Species: Emerald Tree Boa
Gender: Male
Length: 3.5 "

Abilities: None

General likes :
- Rodents
- Lady
- Relaxing under the sun
- Laying on Lady's back
- Sleeping

General dislikes :
- Large Birds
- Cold
- Being away from Lady
- Strangers
- Cats

Lady and Gentleman belong to me
Art/Design belong to me
Background Picture belongs to owner