♙ frogleap



1 year, 16 days ago



name: frogleap
nickname(s): frog
rank young warrior
clan: marshclan
pronouns: she/they
gender: she-cat
age: 15 moons
ability: the stars

Her role in the group - one she heavily embraces with warm determination - is to provide morale and support for her friends. Her special role though, one she is less thrilled about, is to talk to the stars in her dreams and figure out what the group needs to do, at the cost of growing hallucinations...


excitable empathetic worrywart

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


frogs, frolicking, her friends, cheering up cats, early mornings.


bees, deep water, confrontation, scathing negativity/cynicism.

Excitable, cheerful, goofy, gullible! Just like your average goofball... Maybe?

second paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

I. early life
The younger of two sisters, and born into a family with loving parents, her father (Boulderbelly) mostly letting his actions do the talking, and her mother (Clearwhisper) 100% just talkative - a cat who's familiar with everyone, it seems. Frogkit must've picked up her chattiness from her mom, and it was surely reflected in how she would bounce around the clan, playing around with some of the other kits and listening to the elders, much to her parents' dismay, as they thought that they had rather outdated opinions sometimes.
Frogkit was fascinated by and curious of all things nature, relentlessly asking questions with her clan members, eventually, her sister, Rubblepaw, dragged a live frog to her to shut her up for a bit, and she took it as a gift, making frogs seem a little more special than all the other stuff.
II. apprentice
Shortly after becoming an apprentice, her parents retired to the elder's den, having been rather older than usual when they had her. That didn't stop her dad from fixing up things around the place or her mom from gushing about how proud she is of her daughters, which annoyed Frog's sister to no end. Frogpaw visited them quite frequently, occasionally bringing a pretty feather or a flower back for her mom.
In the meantime though, as an apprentice, she would work hard to learn and provide for the clan, although a bit.. dinky, to say the least; pouncing directly into mud, getting things stuck in her fur, forgetting important protocols when out on patrol... At least she picked up fighting rather quickly, although apprehensive when it came to actually hurting a cat... But luckily, she had a rather patient warrior teaching her, as well as a new friend, Honeypaw, to help her out - not without some teasing or some exasperated sighs, of course. It was during this part of her life that she grew more involved with his life, helping him out with taking care of his younger half-siblings and checking in on him when he's sick.
III. becoming a warrior
Frogpaw was given the name Frogleap, along with the pawprint on her chest to represent her rank as warrior within the clan, the placement of it to represent her compassion. She practically vibrated as she watched her fellow apprentices go up to receive their names, and cheered loudly when Honeypond got his name and pawprint. Her family celebrated with her, almost a bit embarrassingly, and her sister even smiled and complimented her, which absolutely took Frogleap off guard. Much afterwards, when the natural - unnatural? - disasters started happening, she felt increasingly worried for her clanmates, and one of her worst worries came to be when she heard Honeypond in the clearing, yelling at Spiderweb, who was the mentor of his brother Bearpaw at the time. Frogleap had pushed through the crowd to take Honeypond away and stay with him as he wailed and grieved over both of his siblings lost in the flood, not sure how to help, and she felt her chest seize with every passing second of seeing her best friend like that.

  • Eats and grooms fairly slower than most other cats
  • Doesn't know much about her sister or dad
    • They're sort of reserved and blunt with their words, which Frogleap has a habit of taking personally sometimes
  • Proud of her height, no matter how much other cats might tease her

design notes


18 cm


3.4 kg





  • That stick is permanent. Everlasting fruit cake, who?
  • Her fur/bangs is/are always matted somehow
  • Green pawprint on chest; the shape signifying her rank as warrior and the placement to point to her compassion
    • Made with magical dyes that the Astraea provides







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☆ take me above your light ☆

#the star
#white pawn