Cole's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!



Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

lal Global Rules

by owning a character designed by me, you agree fully to my terms of service.

do NOT resell my designs for more than you received them for unless you purchased additional art. if they were gifted to you do NOT sell or trade them, only gift unless you purchased/traded for additional art. art trades/art payments do not count as monetary worth, and personal art doesn't count towards monetary value either.
if you were gifted or traded a design, you may use personal art to develop trade value (not monetary value) as long as it's something you put clear time and effort into. doodles or sketches don't count. since this is very subjective, i won't be especially strict about this, but do not take advantage of this to use my designs, especially gifts, as trade fodder.

all toyhouse permissions are usually accurate. if for some reason they are inaccurate because of a change of monetary or trade value, please ask and i'll correct it!

if you're in a tough financial situation and are desperate for money and are looking to resell a design from me, whether it has monetary value or not, please dm me! i'm always willing to work with you and compromise in cases of emergencies. i'm strict with my TOS, but i'm not a monster!

you, the owner, are free to redesign and do as you please with the design as long as it doesn't violate my TOS in any way, shape or form.
you're welcome to edit my art to reflect redesigns or palette changes if you so desire, i don't mind!

no one, under any circumstances, may copy/trace/color pick my designs. if you insist on taking inspiration, please contact me directly for approval so we can work through it together.

do not, under any circumstances, associate my designs with pedophilia/cp/racism/antisemitism/(trans)misogyny/TERFs/transphobia/homophobia/zoophilia/etc. this includes designs linked to or inspired by characters or media that fall under any of these categories. if the design is inspired by an underaged character, DO NOT produce NSFW of them unless you DRASTICALLY and visibly separate them from their 'source media' and age them up.
you're welcome to produce NSFW of my designs as long as it doesn't promote pedophilia, incest or zoophilia or any of the above associations. if you have questions, you can ask!

if i see you violating my TOS in any way, or if i have blacklisted you, i hold the right to revoke the design, or any designs i've made from you. rest assured i will contact you first and foremost if this does end up being the case because i believe in resolve before taking more intensive action, but if you've blocked me and i have no means of contacting you i will take action first.
please note that i'm usually not going to do this, and i will usually only revoke characters if the violation is severe

updated 1/20/24, ext updated 1/20/24, blacklist updated 1/20/24