


1 year, 1 month ago


  • 🐚Name: Nautica
  • 🐚Alias(s): "Naut"; "Scourge of the Seven Seas"
  • 🐚Race: Triton
  • 🐚Gender: nonbinary (they/them)
  • 🐚Age: 27 yrs 
  • 🐚Class: Rune Knight Fighter
  • 🐚Background: Rune Carver
  • 🐚
  • 🐚 Height: 4'8" (143.80 cm)
  • 🐚Orient.: tbd
  • 🐚Theme: Into the Water — BREAK ME DOWN.

Nautica was once a young scribe dedicated to preserving the ancient stories and teachings of the deep hadalic abyss. An isolating, demanding, yet highly honorable position for their people. Under the tutelage of these hermitic scholars they learned the language of the deep, a language of old, a language of the beginning of all life.

Unfortunately, their kingdom would be destroyed by those on land who feared that which they couldn't control. Despite the efforts their people took in protecting the barriers between the material world from the true horrors of the elemental plane, the surface dwellers pillaged all life from the waters until it starved and strangled the people below. Leaving their kingdom, which predated such civilizations, in a state of near extinction. Enraged, they now take the ancient knowledge they learned and swears to enact vengeance on the surface world and all who inhabit it.


  • They are amphibious – able to breathe both on land and in water.
  • Can communicate simple ideas to aquatic creatures, though they are unable to understand them in return.
  • Used to the deepest parts of the sea, they often complain of the heat and brightness – amongst other things – of the surface world.
  • Can speak, read, and write in three languages: common, giant, and primordial.
  • They are most at peace when they are carving ruins, and shows to have a harder time understanding ink words on any parchment. This may be due to the lack of light where they come from. Relying more on touch to interpret words instead of sight.