River Branwynn



6 years, 1 month ago


Name: River Branwynn

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Description: Medium length blonde hair that stops above his shoulders. Fair skin and bright pink eyes. Fair skin and slender body.

Quirk: Telekinesis

Ability to control the movement of inorganic matter.


 Cannot move anything alive, this including plants of course.

Can only move things he can visibly see.

Special Moves: N/A

Bio: Third Year Exchange student from Shiketsu High School. His mom, a simple cop in Japan by the name Jacky Branwynn,with the quirk to move small objects within her sight, his father a well known villain from the states by the name of Tempo Sangria. His mom use to be a rookie cop in the states before moving to Japan. She having a controversial relationship with villain Tempo at the time that ended up with her getting pregnant. When River was born she left the states and moved to Japan to raise her son. When Tempo found out he wished to get to know his son but Jacky refused and put a restraining order against him. Duac wanted to know his little half brother and was furious Jacky wouldn't even let him see River.

    When Jacky heard Tempo was turning over a new leaf she was honestly happy. She started sending pictures of River and writing Tempo letters but was still apprehensive of them meeting. She feared Tempo would go back to villainy and leave River without a proper father figure. When she found out about Feng and the life he began to make with her, Jacky got jealous and cut ties with Tempo once more. All this time River has been told his father was a great hero who lost their life in a fight with a villain. He use to worship this nonexistent hero until he found out the truth when he was 15. He was angry at his mother for lying to him even more so as she still refused to tell him who his really is. He stopped talking to his mother regretfully when he got into Shiketsu High. She was killed in a home invasion during his second year. After finishing his second year he put in for a transfer to Black Lake Academy in the states in hopes of finding his father. He still mourns the loss of his mother and has a vendetta to achieve for the attacker.

Personality: N/A


Hero Name: Allegro