♡ Noise



6 years, 1 month ago



 namenoise; rothmi

speciesdemonelite succubus


 age: 23 appearance-wise

 sexuality: lesbian


 date of birth: october 17

 zodiac: libra

“'Cause I've always been scared of loving someone 

— just a little bit more than I'm loved

icon made by WitchyCryptid on twitter!


very charming and attractive, but this however comes with her being a succubus.
tends to look down upon men with clear disdain, this however attracts certain men who wants to "tame" her. perfect prey honestly!
hates being alone which results in her hanging out in crowded places like nightclubs.

she is very carefree! she does whatever she wants, she doesn't care what people think if her. she takes rejection and abandonment extremely hard.
very vulnerable if abandoned.
keeps few people close to her due to past events.

hides her true self behind this invisible wall.

she is polyam! however she currently only has 1 gf and it's ophelia. only requirement is that the person is a woman or non-binary and a demon.
when noise is around someone she loves she is extremely flirty and charming, but in a very relaxing way.
she can be extremely cheesy at times and suddenly come up with pickup lines she'll throw at you, even though you are together.
not one to shower you in gifts! and is actually pretty picky with nicknames, will only call you sweetheart, babe, darling and love if you don't ask for one specifically!
she really loves to touch faces and hair, if you don't like this, tell her!
she is actually very easy to communicate with! she's very laidback if in an argument and tends to try to resolve things as fast as possible, however she is not one to forgive quickly
so if you've called her names and/or hurt her it will take time until she is affectionate with you again.
doesn't like when people directly pry into her past, if you ask her directly she will try to change the subject, but if you keep going she will get angry and leave.
if you are going to pry, be sneaky.
shes ok with dating asexuals!


she prefers to shower. she finds it wayyy more relaxing.
can barely taste.. lol.. so she ends up eating spicy foods most of the time. REALLY enjoys eating really spicy stuffed peppers!
heavy sleepers, if woken up it will take some time for her to understand where she is or what is going on. very disoriented when woken up.
she sleeps in a huge black tshirt with bright pink letters that says "PRTY" on it. there is no A.
has a pretty high alcohol tolerance.
doesn't interact with humans if it isnt to feed. this is a pretty common angelic trait.
