Winn's Comments

would you consider trades/art?

no sorry!

Someone from my TH? Those with the OFF LIMITS tag are not available for tradešŸ¤

Hi!! Does one of these characters Interest you? 1 / 2Ā 

If not feel free to look in my marketplace :)

Edit: If thereā€™s any character you be willing to trade for these guys Iā€™d love to know!!<3

35$ on ig

I didn't expect someone to conquer the apso you have to wait

Sb if you accept paypal

yes accept paypal! one person gave sb on my ig but you were first if that person doesn't upvote I will contact you

Okay, if they do bid more, please lmk so I can also continue to bid

on ig someone raised $5

I can offer 45$

okay i accpet! y pp is

If you don't pay the money within two days, the character sells it to someone else
9 Replies

OMG he's so handsomešŸ«¶
