Apollo's Comments

Cute golden BOY

Well you're pretty cute yourself.

W-well thank you very much! It honors me to hear it from such a pretty male such as yourself!

Hehe. I mean, you're cute, but definitely not cute as me. But I'm pretty hard to beat.

I have to agree whole heartedly! Your feathers shine so brightly... I'm jealous!

That they do... I keep them very clean and tidy, it would be extremely disgusting for me not to keep them in perfect condition. -He shakes his tail around a bit, his feathers glistening- Yours are............quite small, really. Its a bit embarrassing, if you don't mind me saying.

29 Replies

-rubs face all over character page-


Psh, he'll live.

Are you sure though...ARE YOU SURE

Preeeetty sure.

If not I'll just get the hose.

-proceeds to hide under blanket-