Maximus (Max)



1 year, 1 month ago


Maximus/Max character info:

  • any pronouns/doesn't care, but will usually use masc/neutral ones for himself
  • 21 years old
  • transmasc
  • is a drummer in a small 4-people indie band called "Tails For Days" that does gigs in the real and virtual worlds
  • looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you
  • fucking menace
  • has a hidden knife collection
  • draws something different on their face with black eyeliner every day
  • lizard tattoo on his chest
  • his VR avatar is a Kobold blood hunter
  • "fuck the system, eat the rich"
  • is actually very caring towards people dear to them
  • weirdly enough has a very overly supportive family, his mom and dad are both normie wage salves but have always been very supportive of their unusual child in every aspect, they are a bit protective and show some worry but trust Max's decisions :)
  • is living with his parents but crashes at his band members' places regularly or they come to his place
  • very extroverted, hates being alone, always makes a friend tag along with him when going anywhere
  • is actually very smart and did very well in school
  • rly likes coding and is pretty good at it
  • no nips (he chose not to keep them after top surgery)
  • collects dead animals, skeletons, insects and such, his room has a lot of those cool jars with dead stuff and preservation fluid
  • has a part-time job at a more low-end cyber security place, his mom is friends with the owner and since Max is pretty good they toke them in and he is doing great, kinda weirds out everyone else with their appearance but because of their good performance the boss kinda just tell people to fuck off and leave them alone
  • has a young sister that is a very "pink flower girl" and loves her with all their heart and the girl also rly looks up to him