Nu Heed



6 years, 4 days ago

Basic Info


Nu Head


Apart of a small village named " Nieflheim" Heed alongside his family raised a shop with his family selling goods, bows, arrows, custom made light armor and various other things. Him and his sister "Arianna" were both students under their father. With the village being a small place with high population and low area for business, There was always a feud between heeds family and other shops. On one night heed woke up to his home in flames and both his parents dead. at a young age.

Had it been someone who was after the shop he wondered years after the event. He remembers the red coin he found in the shops remains. As him and his sister live on after everything that has happened. As time went on, heed and his sister rebuilt the shop. and it was better than before. By this point heed was approaching adulthood. But when everything seemed like it was going well. Not only the shop but the whole village was pillaged by mysterious masked elvish people. Unable to find his sister, heed manages to escape and vows himself to find out who these people are and to find his sister.

Heed fears he may be being hunted by the masked elves.